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December 19, 2019

The Hidden Politics of Mandatory Vaccinations

By Mitchel Cohen

The same companies that manufacture vaccines also manufacture pesticides that are poisoning us. And then they manufacture and sell us the drugs for treating those diseases that their own chemicals have been causing. Take the money out of all aspects of research, development, manufacture, and marketing of vaccines and watch how quickly support for many of the current vaccines evaporates.


by Mitchel Cohen

The same companies that manufacture vaccines also manufacture pesticides that are poisoning us. And then they manufacture and sell us the drugs for treating those diseases that their own chemicals have been causing. Take the money out of all aspects of research, development, manufacture, and marketing of vaccines and watch how quickly support for many of the current vaccines evaporates.

The economic profits made by those companies are enormous, and greatly influence the vaccines the Pharm industry and governments propose. Take the money out and the entire pseudo-scientific framwork will collapse.

In addition, there is also a hidden political agenda, which I describe in detail in my book, "The Fight Against Monsanto's Roundup: The Politics of Pesticides." (SkyHorse, 2019) It is these secret politics that I'd like to introduce you to, here.

NYC's Office of Emergency Management (OEM) conducted the pesticides spraying in 1999, 2000 and 2001 to kill mosquitoes said to be carrying the unknown West Nile virus. (1) Following 9/11, the OEM became the model for the Department of Homeland Security. Federal agencies pumped millions of taxpayer dollars into the pesticides industry and giant pharmaceutical corporations. They submitted legislation that would require the mass-inoculation of the entire population for smallpox (or any disease) to "fight terrorism."

In fact, in the two years leading-up to 9/11, cities across the country were being urged to spray toxic pesticides over their populations and eco-systems to prevent West Nile. These included heavily populated areas that had not had any indication of West Nile virus. Under the plan, survey-takers would be sent door-to-door in targeted communities to take blood and DNA samples, and establish a vast database.

The author of those policies was a man named Jerome Hauer. By the time of the 9/11 attacks, Hauer was coordinating security at the World Trade Center with Kroll Associates -- a company that was also deeply involved in Iraq and in overthrowing elected governments in Latin America. (One of Kroll's employees, former NYPD Commisioner William Bratton, was sent to Venezuela, where he was a special adviser to the right-wing Mayor of Caracas during the U.S.-sponsored coup attempt, which was repelled by a mass uprising of the working class and poor in defense of their enormously popular, elected president Hugo Chavez. Questions as to Bratton's role in Venezuela have yet to be asked. Same goes for Hauer, who had close ties to the U.S. military's secret biological warfare development programs. In 1998, he'd introduced his buddy, Col. Thomas Monath -- a virologist with a long history with U.S. government secret forces and genetically engineered vaccines -- to President Bill Clinton.

Monath and Hauer pressed President Bill Clinton to spend billions on a nationwide vaccine and pesticides program to minimize the threat of the West Nile Virus, which at first was portrayed as a germ warfare attack by Iraq's president Saddam Hussein. With Clinton's support, Monath and Hauer stumped for funds for Monath's company, Oravax (now Accambis), for production of a West Nile vaccine. The meetings with Clinton were framed as preventing biowarfare, and occurred shortly before that disease hit New York City and became widely known in the United States.(2)

At the same time, Monath's company announced it was "almost ready" in developing a vaccine for West Nile encephalitis at just the moment the disease was first detected in birds at the Bronx Zoo, and as Hauer and Giuliani were about to launch their mass spray campaign. The live viral vaccine for West Nile used the yellow fever vaccine as its base. Monath reported that Oravax was also working on a vaccine for Dengue fever at the time that Cuba filed a complaint that the U.S. was engaging in bio-terrorism against it by spreading mosquito-borne illnesses there.(3) A mysterious outbreak of Dengue fever also hit Hawaii at that time.

Oravax was granted a license by the U.S. Army bio-warfare lab in Ft. Detrick in 1996, where Monath had been a researcher. Their plan? To manufacture a Japanese encephalitis vaccine derived from a genetically-altered virus the Army itself created. (WNV disease is a variation of Japanese encephalitis.) Numerous medical and scientific institutions, many run by the Federal government, have been quietly experimenting with WNV in NYC and the surrounding area for decades. Most of this research involved bio-warfare applications."(4)

It was Hauer who, more than anyone else, persisted in raising the "foreign terrorism" diversion for West Nile virus, claiming that Saddam Hussein was behind it long after that disinformation and attempt at public manipulation had been discredited. His friend Col. Monath pushed for financial subsidies to his company to manufacture the vaccine.

Hauer was next hired as Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services on -- please note the date -- Sept. 10th, 2001. Together with Tommy Thompson (the secretary of the agency), it was Hauer who told the White House staff and President Bush to begin taking the drug Cipro, ostensibly for Anthrax exposure. (5) Why? The date of that recommendation? The morning of September 11, 2001, which occurred prior to the anthrax attacks. (Cipro is made by Bayer, the company that also now owns Monsanto, which manufactures Roundup herbicide. Roundup's main active ingredient, glyphosate, kills off necessary bacteria in the gut and leads to some of the cancers and other illnesses, for which the company then manufactures the drugs to treat them.)

Hauer next went on to head the federal Office of Public Health Emergency Preparedness, created in June 2002.(6) He used his position to stump for emergency mandatory vaccination programs and hammer them into place.

Hauer was the main force behind legislation known as the Model Emergency Health Powers Act (MEHPA), which -- or so the proposed laws read -- would establish a bio-terror preparedness "czar". Hauer clearly envisioned himself in that role. The "czar" would have authority to override state health laws and declare a "health emergency" in response to the emergency disease of the moment, and order mandatory vaccinations of health care workers and first responders. The health czar could also order those who fell victim to smallpox or other "emergency" diseases to "quarantine" facilities, which would also detain those rounded up for refusing to take the experimental genetically engineered smallpox vaccine. This bears repeating: Under the legislation that Hauer fought for, those refusing mandatory vaccinations would be "detained" in the same facilities as people who contracted the highly contagious virus, smallpox. By 2009, Halliburton Inc. had already completed construction of the "camps". The former Chair of Halliburton? U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney.

Bits and pieces of MEHPA were introduced and implemented here and there. But growing popular movements -- against corporate pollution, genetic engineering of crops and vaccines, forced "emergency" vaccinations, corporate farming, the mass spraying of pesticides, and globalization, and trade treaties -- stood in the way of what would amount to a massive accumulation of billions in profits by a few corporations, assisted by the government, whose chemical emissions and products poisoned the air and water and who then sold us treatments for those diseases that they themselves were causing. Those different threads of resistance were woven together during the anti-"free trade" protests in Seattle in 1999.

Over the next two years, campaigns against privatization fueled people's distrust of government and the corporations it all too obviously represented. Those movements had to be suppressed in order for the government to fully implement the package of repressive legislation in the wake of 9/11, which provided the rationalization needed to crush the organized political resistance to proposed capitalist trade treaties. This was the context in which government mandating of vaccinations for smallpox was introduced.

On the federal Centers for Disease Control's website, one lone footnote cited four different vaccines to be administered for smallpox, not just the one that many of today's older folks got as kids in the 1950s. Even that, back then, was more dangerous than we were led to believe. And today, three of the four kinds of vaccines were to be genetically engineered and administered to unsuspecting people, despite having never been tested. Basically, the CDC proposed a massive experiment on a population driven to hysteria by a manufactured "emergency" by the government, pharmaceutical companies and media. "At the end of the day, the numbers [of first responders receiving mandatory smallpox vaccinations] could be significantly greater than 500,000," Hauer crowed. (7)

At first, a panel of outside experts -- the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices -- rejected the proposal to mandate smallpox vaccinations to the general public. But Hauer and several other officials overruled that moderating recommendation and produced a firestorm within the Bush administration over the question of mandatory emergency vaccinations. Hauer recommended "that a phased approach be used, starting with 500,000 and then moving in steps to 10 million." (8) But in a decision of unheralded courage and historical importance, the California Nurses Association -- now National Nurses United -- heroically refused to allow themselves or their patients to be vaccinated with unnecessary, untested, and genetically engineered experimental vaccines. The nurses ignited a resistance movement across the political spectrum that threw a wrench into the gears. In mobilizing against the government's "emergency" forced vaccination program for smallpox -- and then again for flu -- the nurses saved tens of thousands of lives and pointed the way for new forms of resistance in the post-9/11 era.


1. Contrary to public knowledge, Rockefeller University had been experimenting with the supposedly "unknown" WNV for decades.

2. OraVax, owned by Peptide Therapeutic of Cambridge, England, was having problems getting beyond research and bringing products to market. By 1996 and 1997, its survival at stake, OraVax tried to win part of the Pentagon's expanding germ work as a subcontractor to make smallpox and other vaccines. By early 1998, that work had failed to materialize and the company's stock price was down 90 percent from $10 a share in the initial public offering. "The way to handle it is to be open, so people understand that I may have a potential bias," Monath said.[NY Times, 8/7/98]

3. See William Blum, "Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower," Zed Books 2001-2002. In 1981, an epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) swept across the island of Cuba. Transmitted by blood-eating insects, usually mosquitos, the disease produces severe flu-like symptoms and incapacitating bone pain. Between May and October 1981, over 300,000 cases were reported in Cuba with 158 fatalities, 101 of which were children under 15. (Bill Schaap, "The 1981 Cuba Dengue Epidemic", Covert Action Information Bulletin (Washington, DC), No. 17, Summer 1982, p.28-31) The Center for Disease Control later reported that the appearance in Cuba of this particular strain of dengue, DEN-2 from Southeast Asia, had caused the first major epidemic of DHF ever in the Americas. (Reported on their website:

In 1956 and 1958, the US Army loosed swarms of specially bred mosquitos in Georgia and Florida to see whether disease-carrying insects could be weapons in a biological war. The mosquitos bred for the tests were of the Aedes aegypti type, the precise carrier of dengue fever as well as other diseases. (San Francisco Chronicle, October 29,1980, p.15)

In 1967 it was reported by Science magazine that at the US government center in Fort Detrick, Maryland, dengue fever was amongst those "diseases that are at least the objects of considerable research and that appear to be among those regarded as potential BW [biological warfare] agents." (Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC), January 13,1967, p.176) On a clear day, October 21, 1996, a Cuban pilot flying over Matanzas province observed a plane releasing a mist of some substance about seven times. It turned out to be an American crop-duster plane operated by the US State Department, which had permission to pass through Cuba's airspace on a trip to Colombia, via Grand Cayman Island. Responding to the Cuban pilot's report, the Cuban air controller asked the US pilot if he was having any problem. The answer was "no".

Two months later, Cuba observed the first signs of a plague of Thrips palmi, a plant-eating insect never before detected in Cuba. It severely damaged practically all crops and is resistant to a number of pesticides. Cuba asked the US for clarification of the October 21 incident. Seven weeks passed before the US replied that the State Department pilot had emitted only smoke, in order to indicate his location to the Cuban pilot. (For further details of the State Department's side of the issue, see New York Times, May 7,1997, p.9) By this time, the Thrips palmi had spread rapidly, affecting corn, beans, squash, cucumbers and other crops. In response to a query, the Federal Aviation Administration stated that emitting smoke to indicate location is "not an FAA practice" and that it knew of "no regulation calling for this practice". In April 1997, Cuba presented a report to the United Nations charging the US with "biological aggression" and providing a detailed description of the 1996 incident and the subsequent controversy. In August, signatories of the Biological Weapons Convention convened in Geneva to consider Cuba's charges and Washington's response. In December, the committee reported that due to the "technical complexity" of the matter, it had not proved possible to reach a definitive conclusion.

4. Patricia Doyle, "Deadly West Nile virus for Profit Vaccine Award Announced," NoSpray Newz, August 2000. Also,

5. See especially NoSpray Newz #17, at

6. The Office of Public Health Emergency Preparedness is now called the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR).

7. Ceci Connolly, "Smallpox Vaccination for Medical Workers Proposed," Washington Post, Sept. 4, 2002.

8. Lawrence K. Altman and Sheryl Gay Stolberg, "Smallpox Vaccine Backed for Public," NY Times, Oct. 5, 2002. The article offers an inside glimpse into a split in the thinking of the Bush administration, noting that "Vice President Dick Cheney favors a mass vaccination approach, while Mr. Bush favors a more moderate approach." Strangely, Jerome Hauer is said to have been removed from his position as head of the Office of Public Health Emergency Preparedness "primarily for conflicts he had with Scooter Libby over whether the risks of smallpox vaccination were worth the benefit. Hauer charged that the Office of the Vice President was pushing for the universal vaccination despite the vaccine's health risks, [and] exaggerat[ing] the risk of biological terrorism." This, despite the long record of Hauer's aggressive advocacy of mandatory vaccination and his own exaggeration of the risk of biological terrorism.

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Authors Bio:

Author of "The Fight Against Monsanto's Roundup: The Politics of Pesticides" (SkyHorse, 2019). Member of the Brooklyn Greens / Green Party, and coordinator of the No Spray Coalition, which has been fighting against the indiscriminate spraying of pesticides in NYC since 1999. Former Chair of WBAI (99.5 FM) Local Station Board, and current WBAI Board member (for ID purposes only).
