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September 3, 2024

Resurrecting JFK's Spirit of Peace through the Magic of Love Field

By Paul Fitzgerald Elizabeth Gould




Valediction Revelation represents the last of a three part memoir of Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould which begins in Boston at the Parker House Hotel Press Room in 1981where Paul stands at the exact spot where John Fitzgerald Kennedy announced his candidacy for Congress in 1946 and held his bachelor's party in 1953. The story then comes to a shocking conclusion at Love Field Airport in Dallas in 2023 following a conference commemorating the 60th anniversary of the JFK assassination - where Paul delivered an address on the Fitzgerald legacy. Love Field represents the final moments in JFK's life; the place where he arrived alive and left deceased, making his final destination a mystical crossroads between heaven and earth combining the red Saltire (X) coat of arms for his Fitzgerald family with the red cross of the Knights Templar.

Red Cross of the Knights Templar
Red Cross of the Knights Templar
(Image by own work; part of Image:Cyriaci.svg)
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Saltire Gules of the Fitzgerald Family
Saltire Gules of the Fitzgerald Family
(Image by Tech King465)
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Triggered by dreams and strange coincidences, Paul and Liz reveal through episodic flash backs, how they came upon clues to the imaginal dimension of the assassination and why that dimension opens a whole new meaning to JFK's life and the pivotal role Love Field plays as the Alpha and Omega of the story.

Beginning at Dealey Plaza on the 60th anniversary of the assassination, they see how the location itself acts as a stage in a theatre of Masonic symbolism. The three shots, the triple overpass, the obelisk, Astral magic, Masonry and the symbolism of the Knights Templar all have a role to play in what is clearly a sorcerer's ritual. And as they travel back through the thousand year history of JFK's Fitzgerald ancestors, they uncover how their strange coincidences relate to JFK's purpose as a prince of peace.

Clues to the nature of some kind of mysterious connecting force that causes coincidences emerge. They learn that JFK's distant 13th century ancestor, the second Earl of Desmond, Geroid Iarla was known for his extensive use of magic and looked upon as the mythological child of an Otherworld Irish goddess. They also discover that the fourteenth and last Earl's severed head was sent to Queen Elizabeth I as a magic talisman to inaugurate the birth of the British Empire and that his ghost is said to ride around his birth lake on a white steed every seven years waiting for his return at the end of time. They soon discover that the mysterious connecting force causing coincidence is real and has been acknowledged since ancient times and studied by the psychoanalyst Carl Jung and physicist Wolfgang Pauli as a "connecting principle outside of cause and effect." They also discover that this same connecting force - or as others have described it the Observer Effect - is thought to be what makes magic work and had been studied by a central character in the assassination of JFK named Arthur Young, father-in-law of Ruth Paine - Marina Oswald's guardian as "an added parameter to physics that is either a process, or drive, or force, or consciousness."

After seeing Oliver Stone's JFK and the revelation of assassination-conspirator David Ferrie's involvement with the eccentric American Orthodox Catholic Church they see the connecting principle at work in JFK's family legacy. And things get even stranger when that legacy crisscrosses into the Elizabethan underworld and its connection to a cabal of viciously anti-Catholic Neoplatonic magicians.

Known for their open misogyny, John Dee, Queen Elizabeth's Astrologer, The Faerie Queen's Sir Edmund Spencer, Sir Walter Raleigh her chief knight, Giordano Bruno, defrocked priest, Italian philosopher and alchemist and a cult of well-known historical figures from the 16th century emerge as magical anti-Catholic covert operatives who bear a distinct correspondence to the menagerie of anti-Catholic JFK conspirators put on trial by New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison. And as these Elizabethans weave spells and summon demons to plot the demise of the Catholic Fitzgeralds, evidence of magical plotting based on geometry, astronomy, astrology and the Art of Memory reveals itself.

Motivated by hatred for Rome and inspired by the rediscovery of ancient Hermetic texts attributed to the legendary Hellenistic figure Hermes Trimegistus these Elizabethan actors seek to draw the power of the terrestrial world from Catholic Spain and deliver it to Queen Elizabeth I through the creation of a simulacrum (a thought form created by the magician to receive divine inspiration from the imaginal realm). In the words of author Dame Frances Yates, this group is driven by "The belief in the correspondence of microcosm and macrocosm, in the harmonic structure of the universe, [and] in the comprehension of God through mathematical symbols."

According to a more recent analysis they also believe that practicing the Art of Memory by using images as talismans and creating mnemonic devices (i.e. patterns of letters, ideas or associations that enhance memory) they can implement through the creation of a simulacrum, a large-scale reformation of the universe, in which both celestial and earthly worlds would be purged and restored to original perfection.

Yates approached the subject of Hermetic Renaissance Magic with genuine seriousness and recognized early on in her groundbreaking research that it was a mistake for modern scholarship to dismiss the practice as fantasy considering that it became a guiding force in the creation of the British Empire.

Founded on the fifteenth century work of Cornelius Agrippa based on his translations of Plato, but expanded upon over the next two centuries, one prominent scholar of the philosophy - Giordano Bruno engaged in magical techniques for memorization in his 1582 book De umbris idearum, (On the Shadows of Ideas) that were so effective they led to his being burned at the stake and are still considered bordering on the supernatural.

Sympathetic magic, (the perceived connection between an object and the subject it represents) and mnemonics are the keys to understanding the Hermetic system and through Yates' studies we are given a step by step analysis of how Queen Elizabeth's magicians manipulated reality by literally creating a theatre of cosmic correspondences similar to what Dallas's Dealey Plaza represents. In her book Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition she writes, "Bruno once more expounds in the first part of the De imaginum compositione his theory of the imagination as the chief instrument in religious and magical processes. Having cited Aristotle on images from sense impressions as the basis of thought, Bruno then goes right to the other extreme of the classical tradition and uses the arguments of a late Hellenistic Neoplatonist in favour of imagination" as the most powerful of the inner senses because through it the divine communicates with man."

She then argues that Giordano Bruno had used this information to transform the art of memory from a fairly rational Aristotelian mnemonic technique using images, which theorists including Thomas Aquinas himself had used, into a magical and religious technique for training the imagination as the instrument for reaching the divine and obtaining divine powers.

Although an accomplished historian and not in any way a practicing magician or mystic, Yates admits that there is no other explanation to explain Bruno's use of the Hermetic Tradition than to influence the gods into providing him with godly favors.

She writes: "In an extraordinary passage in the De imaginum compositione, Bruno mentions the golden calf and the brazen image described in Genesis and the clay figures made by Prometheus, as all examples of the power of the simulachrum for drawing down the favour of the gods through occult analogies "whence as though linked to images and similitudes they descend and communicate themselves." And "With the last phrase, we reach the familiar ground of the Egyptian statues, linked with demons, which Bruno has here related to the magic of Moses and Prometheus."

Yates further describes Bruno utilizing another powerful practice where statues of the "terrestrial gods" were animated by arranging them in accordance with the principles of sympathetic astral magic, and by drawing down into them the life of the celestial gods it gave them the power of heaven as well as the power of demons.

By the time of Bruno's arrival in London in the spring of 1583 the Fitzgerald's war against the Elizabethans was a ghost. But that did not prevent him from teaming up with the Queen's Astrologer John Dee - the original 007 and his boss Francis Walsingham, Elizabeth's Secretary of State - to advance the expansion of their Neoplatonic Empire from the British Isles to the rest of the globe.

Having fought the arrival of European Neoplatonism for thirty years, the Fitzgeralds' end comes swiftly that November when the last Earl of Desmond is beheaded while hiding from the Queen's pursuers in the misty Slieve Mish Mountains. But Bruno's war on orthodox Catholic philosophy and traditional Aristotelian philosophy as a whole has only begun and will continue for the next two years in London under the protection of the French Ambassador.

Adopting not only an anti-Catholic position but a radically anti-Christian one as well, Bruno deepens his experimentation with magical rituals in the art of memory and in 1584 while still in London produces a work known as De la causa, principio e uno (Cause, Principle and Unity).

In De la causa Bruno anticipates 20th century arguments on quantum physics and articulates his conviction that there is no contradiction between spirit and matter, only the perception of difference which explains coincidence as merely an illusion and can therefore be considered either a cause OR a principle. But it is in his De vinculis in genere (Of Bonds-Chains In General) where he displays exotic techniques for mental persuasion and control using Eros/Love that bear a striking similarity to the 20th century psychological experiments conducted by the CIA's MK-Ultra.

A study by Giuseppi Borrelli titled Reflections on the De vinculis genere, by Giordano Bruno (available at regards De vinculis as the foundation of modern social control stating -"At Oxford University, Giordano Bruno's brief, obscure but very profound work, De vinculis in genere, is considered a cornerstone of modern political thought - on the par with Machiavelli's Prince. The London School of Economics [the West's most elite school specializing in the social sciences] uses it as a core text. In fact, many European historians and intellectuals consider De vinculis in genere modernity's most intelligent and insightful political work."

And more specifically Borrelli states; "From Machiavelli's brute force to Bruno's capacity for desires and infinity. The driving mechanism is the Eros, in all its variations, and its grasp on the rational and the imaginary mind. It is imagination that conquers the political throne, not force. And so the politician becomes the clockmaker of man's dreams and aspirations. His aim is to create, identify, channel and guide the desires that spring from man's erotic nature."

And in this we again cross paths with the New Orleans conspiracy surrounding JFK and his journey to death through Love Field in Dallas.

In his De vinculis Bruno writes, "Love is the bond of bonds, but of these bonds the erotic bond is supreme. All affections and bonds are reduced to two, namely aversion and desire, or hatred and love. Yet hatred is reduced to love, whence it follows that the will's only bond is Eros."

It would seem that for Bruno, the major connecting principle sought by 15th, 16th and 21st century magicians is the same principle sought by central figures in the JFK assassination and that principle is Eros; the quantum bonding force of hatred and love that enables magic to work.

According to another scholar who studied the ramifications of Bruno's sixteenth century work, Professor Ioan P. Culianu, De vinculis in genere (Of bonds in general) is the template for the modern totalitarian state.

He writes: "De vinculis in genere by Giordano Bruno is one of those little-known works whose importance in the history of ideas far outstrips that of more famous ones. In its frankness, indeed the cynicism of the analysis of its contents, it might be compared to Machiavelli's The Prince, especially as the subject matter of the two works is connected: Bruno deals with psychological manipulation in general, Machiavelli with political manipulation. But how colorless and ridiculous the Machiavellian prince-adventurer now seems, compared to Bruno's magician-psychologist! Unpublished until late, little read and always misunderstood, De vinculis in genere is nevertheless the written work that deserves to have the real and unique place of honor among theories of manipulation of the masses. Without being aware of it, the brain-trusts that dominate the world have been inspired by it, have put Bruno's own ideas to practical use."

And so there we have it in quotes according to a University of Chicago professor. "The magician of De vinculis is the prototype of the impersonal systems of mass media, indirect censorship, global manipulation, and the brain trusts that exercise their occult control over the Western masses."

Defined by Plato as "Heavenly Eros", the bonding force of "Love" employed in the act of social manipulation through propaganda is both egocentric and acquisitive and by nature selfish. Bruno excels in his use of Eros as the secret force - the connecting link outside of cause and effect to make magic work and manipulate the masses into believing whatever the magician instructs them to believe. And it is through the magical metaphor of Love Field that it finds a final correspondence with the events of November 22, 1963.

By substituting the authentic leadership of the Irish people with the simulacrum of Queen Elizabeth in his epic Poem The Faerie Queene, Edmund Spencer was able to transform the 16th century Fitzgeralds - in the popular mind - into an allegory of terrestrial Catholic evil. But by sealing that mental image through magical and numerical correspondences with the ritual sacrifice of the last earl of Desmond, Rome's mystical and terrestrial authority could be enchained and defeated.

That method is seen again in Dallas, as a hidden Intelligence/secret society/priesthood employing the ancient art of sympathetic magic, removed JFK from terrestrial power through a ceremonial execution in an open air Temple to Isis and Osiris in Dealey Plaza and then enchained his power in the bond of bonds through the selfish, possessive power of Eros at Love Field.

To paraphrase Michael Hoffman II in his book Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare "Sir James Frazer, [Britain's most famous anthropologist] explained in his in depth study of ancient rights and rituals The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion, that when the "divine king" is murdered by one who is himself stronger or shrewder, the divine powers of the king are "Sympathetically" and "Contagiously" transferred from the vanquished to the victor. In the case of the beloved JFK, this shocking transfer of power into the subconscious "Dreaming" Mind of the American people created a new simulacrum by introducing a diametrically different, new "reality" and represented a classic scenario of alchemical programming.

In studying Bruno and his methods it soon becomes clear that his use of ancient techniques is the foundation not just for the anti-Fitzgerald Elizabethan campaign but is also the model for the assassination campaign targeting JFK. But if the death of JFK and the end of his vision of a peaceful world and the ascension of the human spirit could be accomplished in accordance with the philosophy of sympathetic astral magic, is it not possible that this tragedy may be undone by using a more powerful method?

For those who champion the conspiracy theories surrounding the JFK assassination, to offer a philosophical solution may not be enough, but if the murder of JFK and all others like him have been made possible by a philosophy of Erotic Love then perhaps another philosophy of Love can provide the answer and that philosophy has been recognized for millennia as Agape.

As the opposite of Eros in which we love others out of self-interest in order to acquire and possess the object of our love, Agape is based on the unconditional and unselfish love of self-giving and self-sacrifice. And since JFK has already made the ultimate self-sacrifice by giving up his life then an appeal for the return of the spirit of JFK through the power of Agape at Love Field may make something possible that has never been tried before.

The last earl of Desmond was slain in 1583 while fighting to the bitter end for Irish Sovereignty. Even with that devastating blow to the cause, the affection for the Fitzgerald family continued to grow. As the president of the United States John Fitzgerald Kennedy rose to the level of his great ancestor and won the affection of the American people. When he was killed his dream for peace was killed as well. But if we who believe in his vision can come together through the all-embracing power of Agape we can resurrect JFK's dream for America and restore the hope that was lost with his death.

In 1926 a folklorist recorded among the peasants of Kerry a curious belief: If on a dark night in November, in the glen below Lough Gur-- the birthplace of the magical Earl Geroid Iarla [And JFK's Great Grandfather Thomas Fitzgerald in 1823]-- a peasant should be given the sight, he will see a company of silver horsemen risen from the lake and galloping through the night. At their head rides the Great Earl Gerald himself, garbed in silver brocade and astride a mighty white horse, the Earl will laugh and throw him a gorgeous purse in which will be found 1000 silver pieces, the price paid for his head and when the vision is gone the money will remain. It is clear by the state of today's world that the Earl and his phantom soldiers are needed more than ever to rise from Lough Gur and free JFK's enchained spirit from Love Field to return to the American people at our time of greatest need.


Copyright 2024 Fitzgerald & Gould All Rights Reserved

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould are authors of Invisible History: Afghanistan's Untold Story, published by City Lights in 2009 and Crossing Zero The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire in 2011. Their novel The Voice , was published in 2001. Their memoir, The Valediction Three Nights of Desmond was published by TrineDay in 2021 and The Valediction Resurrection in 2022. Visit their websites at, and THE CASE OF JFK AND THE FITZGERALDS (Speech delivered by Paul Fitzgerald Nov.17, 2023 at The JFK Assassination 60 Years Later Convention)

Authors Bio:

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould are the authors of Invisible History: Afghanistan's Untold Story and Crossing Zero The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire and The Voice,a novel.

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, a husband and wife team began working together in 1979 co-producing a documentary for Paul's television show, Watchworks. Called, The Arms Race and the Economy, A Delicate Balance, they found themselves in the midst of a controversy that was to boil over a few months later with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Their acquisition of the first visas to enter Afghanistan granted to an American TV crew in 1981, brought them into the most heated Cold War controversy since Vietnam. But the people inside Soviet-occupied Afghanistan told a very different story from the one being broadcast on the evening news.

Following their news story for the CBS Evening News, they produced a documentary (Afghanistan Between Three Worlds) for PBS and in 1983 they returned to Kabul for ABC Nightline with Harvard Negotiation project director Roger Fisher. Arriving in Kabul that spring they were told that the Russians wanted to go home and negotiate their way out. But the story that President Carter called, "the greatest threat to peace since the second World War" had already been written by America's pundits was not about to change the script.

As the first American journalists to get behind the official propaganda on the war, they not only got a view of an unseen Afghan life, but a revelatory look at how the US defined itself under the veil of superpower confrontation. But as they pursued the reasons behind the propaganda, they were drawn into a story that was growing into mythic dimensions.

It was at the time of the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 when they were working on the film version of their experience under contract to Oliver Stone, that they began to piece together the mythic implications of the story. During the research for the screenplay crucial documents were declassified. Over the next decade they trailed a labyrinth of clues to find a likeness in Washington's official policy towards Afghanistan - in the ancient Zoroastrian war of the light against the dark - whose origins began in the region now known as Afghanistan. It was a likeness that grows more visible as America's involvement deepens.
By 1998, as the horrors of the Taliban regime began to grab headlines, they started collaborating with Afghan human rights expert Sima Wali. They contributed to the Women for Afghan Women: Shattering Myths and Claiming the Future book project. In 2002 they filmed Wali's first return to Kabul since her exile in 1978. The film they produced about Wali's journey home, The Woman in Exile Returns, gave audiences the chance to discover the message of one of Afghanistan's most articulate voices and her hopes for her people.

In the years since 9/11 much has happened to bring their story into sharp focus. Their experience at combining personal diplomacy with activist journalism could become a model for restoring a healthy and vibrant dialogue to American democracy. Ultimately, Invisible History: Afghanistan's Untold Story lays bare why it was inevitable that the Soviet Union and the U.S. should end up in Afghanistan and what that means to the future of the American emp
