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March 21, 2025
Be Prepared! They See Us!
By Michael Byron
Experience based assessment of who the Trump regime will target.
The Trump regime is a lawless regime. It is increasingly unconstrained by existing laws, or by the courts. Unlike in his first term, Trump is no longer surrounded by "adults." He's surrounded by people chosen specifically for their absolute loyalty to himself.
That's why the article linked here: The 200+ Sites an ICE Surveillance Contractor is Monitoring (mostly behind a paywall) is alarming. To summarize ICE (Immigrations and Customs Enforcement) is paying a private contractor to monitor and permanently record all posts on hundreds of social media sites. Everything that we post online is recorded. Even if you delete a post, they already have it recorded!
ICE is using this information against legal green card possessing residents to identify them as persons the Trump regime will select for involuntary (illegal) summary deportation. The first several such cases have just occurred and are currently in the news.
Beyond this, the bigger picture is that the Trump regime is actively monitoring all social media activity of ALL Americans. Everything we post online can, and presumably WILL be used against us, should the regime identify us as its enemies.
If your posts show a pattern of disapproval of Trump's regime; particularly if you are calling for mass actions against said regime, it's reasonable to expect that you will be identified, and possibly targeted for sanction at some point in the probably not too distant future. The regime is fascist. That's how fascist regimes roll.
While you could respond to this by fearfully ceasing all public displays of dissent; (That's what they want you to do!) I simply recommend that you be aware of this pervasive reality. Be prepared for them!
This regime has no bottom. I've been clear online that I believe it to be a UNCONSTITUTIONAL, lawless, usurper regime. (See Section 3 of the 14th Amendment: Click Here ) They know that there are millions, potentially multiple tens of millions, of us, and not so many of them. They need to instill fear to keep us obedient. Pursuant to this I reasonably anticipate that at some point, my postings will come to their attention consequentially. As will the online activities of millions of others.
How will they respond to our non-acceptance of their regime? Here, I possess some insight. This is because between 1984-88, I was a field agent (Revenue Officer) for IRS.
The American tax system relies on what is called "voluntary compliance." Basically, the idea is to ensure that people are too intimidated to cheat on their taxes. Most don't. However, IRS could NEVER deal with mass noncompliance. So, IRS has a policy of always moving swiftly and harshly (imprisonment) against anyone urging noncompliance with paying taxes.
These persons are referred to as "Illegal Tax Protestors" ITPs for short. They are targeted for rapid public arrest, criminal trial, and subsequent imprisonment.
Secondly, we targeted celebrities and public figures, who were in violation of the tax codes, for public prosecution. This is done because of the huge amounts of free publicity it generates in the mass media.
Doing this intimidates "ordinary" taxpayers into compliance-- paying their full amount of taxes. People say: "Well if they can go after X, then they will certainly go after me!" Resources are few, so the IRS can't identify and target everyone who is noncompliant. Fear, however, does the trick for the IRS.
Third, IRS employs audits. These audits are NOT randomly selected. For each income group they are based on the difference between reported income and associated deductions and IRS' statistical model of what those deductions should be for each income level. The more that an individual taxpayer's actual reported deductions differ from the IRS' statistical assumptions, the more likely the return is to be audited.
Finally, there are the informants.
The overall idea was to use very limited enforcement capabilities to ensure mass compliance of hundreds of millions of taxpayers. This by means of instilling fear of sanction-- of getting caught, fined, perhaps imprisoned-- for cheating on one's personal or business taxes. IT WORKED! It continues to work.
Given this enforcement methodology expect that the law enforcement agencies of the Trump controlled government-- including, but not limited to IRS, also the FBI, etc.-- will selectively target their self-identified enemies, in this order:
1) Groups, or individuals who publicly call for mass resistance (whether including violence or not) which possess a large, active base of followers.
2) Any "celebrities" who publicly support mass resistance.
3) Individuals identified through online postings who are articulate and communicative about their disloyalty to their regime.
4) Anyone who is brought to their attention by informers.
The overall intent is mass intimidation by generating fear. I suspect, given their manpower limitations, they will also activate their fanatical armed MAGA base, including groups such as Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, at the local level nationwide if they begin to lose control. These could even be "deputized" as "law enforcement" agents! There is historical precedence for this. Heinrich Himmler did this for the NAZI Brownshirts. (See: Click Here).
That's how they roll. Be prepared for it! Fear, intimidation, selective victimization, is their methodology. To defeat it, once the initial arrests begin, speak out more loudly. Demonstrate in ever larger numbers. Communicate our message online ever more widely and frequently. Don't back down! When the regime inevitably resorts to armed violence-- be prepared for that as well!
(Article changed on Mar 21, 2025 at 2:21 PM EDT)
(Article changed on Mar 21, 2025 at 3:45 PM EDT)
Michael P Byron is the author of The Path Through Infinity's Rainbow: Your Guide to Personal Survival and Spiritual Transformation in a World Gone Mad. This book is a manual for taking effective action to deal with the crises of our age including global climate change, peak oil, and political failure to deal with these and other problems.
His previous book is Infinity's Rainbow: The Politics of Energy, Climate and Globalization.
Byron-has a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California, Irvine.--He teaches all aspects of Political Science and Political Economy in local colleges in the San Diego area.- He was the Democratic Party's candidate for United States Congress in California's 49th Congressional District in 2004. In 2002,-he- ran as a write-in candidate upon discovering that the Republican incumbent, Darrell Issa, had no major-party challenger.
Mike lives in Oceanside, CA with his wife, Ramona Byron. Both are Navy veterans.