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August 16, 2007

Conspiracy to Destroy America.

By Jeff Maehr

The agenda is clear by the events taking place in America... a conspiracy is in motion.


What part of illegal, unconstitutional and treasonous don’t people understand? Part 4

Conspiracy to Destroy America.

Conspiracies, lies, deceptions, fraud, murder, theft, greed, corruption across the board, or is it just a remarkable convergence of coincidences that "look" like a conspiracy and makes for a good fiction story? Here is this authors take on the facts to date, and where they are leading, or could lead if we allow it to happen.

Let us imagine for the purpose of this article that there is a genius insanity behind events in this world, which I’ll refer to as "they." Their only purpose is to have power, wealth and control over the masses, and to steal, kill and destroy. How would they go about it without setting off alarms, or being too obvious to most people?

Earlier articles in this series showed how we have been deceived on various fronts of our lives as Americans. We live in a created matrix, and this matrix has most people deceived. Our freedoms restricted, our money stolen, our government corrupt and lawless, our rights restricted, and our dependency on everything we need in someone else’s hands. Is this just coincidence, or could it be leading us somewhere else? Any thinking person will see the obvious financial and freedom pressures we are facing. They should be able to see the poor health of our people, and the health of our lands.

The one world agenda has been discussed for many centuries, and evidence for this agenda is throughout history. From Rome, Alexander the Great and Napoleon, to Hitler, most major nations have sought world domination. There is a relentless drive in the mind of humanity, regardless of race or creed, to have power and wealth, and to subjugate others. WHY is this?

At the moment, American freedoms and rights are the ONLY things on Earth which stand between the rapid rise of the global One World Government, and freedom and sovereignty for ourselves and other nations. Consider; The European Union began with many sovereign nations. It is the attempt to bring about One people, One government over all people. National sovereignty is being eroded there, guns are banned for the most part, people are subjects. Freedom is relative. That is the agenda for America as well.

The American Constitution is the single greatest human document every written. It provides for freedom, sovereignty, and personal control over our lives. It has to be eliminated for One World Government to be possible. What would be a way these madmen could go about destroying our nation from within? How would they do it so as not to wake up the masses? It would be with malicious forethought, slowly "poisoning" every aspect of our society to weaken it on every front and bring us to the point where we could be easily controlled or conquered.

Like the proverbial frog in the slowly heating water, we are being destroyed from within. Let’s look at many of the ways this is happening right under our noses. Keep in mind that these are in no specific order, but all work together to bring our nation down, making it weak and preparing it for the fall.

Corporate America fights to maintain farming techniques that are damaging every level of health, and literally destroying our ability to grow food by destroying the land through poisons and depleting the mineral and organic base. The land is essentially dead, embalmed like a corpse.

Our water is polluted from various sources, and ground water is depleted through irrigation. They add chlorine and fluoride to drinking water, two known poisons, and we accept it. There are alternatives, far safer and healthier to chlorine. Fluoride is extremely toxic. It is a by-product of aluminum manufacturing. It must be handled as hazardous material and disposed of at great costs to business. What better way to eliminate it than by adding it to the population’s water supplies saying it is good for teeth. This is a huge lie. This is like saying radiation would be good for human health because it kills bad bacteria. (Google "fluoride poisoning").

Our skies are sprayed regularly with chemicals, biological and heavy metal materials (Google for "chemtrails") which likely is playing a part in the increasing number of respiratory and skin problems, allergies, and in many other ways weakening our immune systems for a later attack of far greater seriousness. It may also be part of experiments in weather control, communications and weapon testing. Just look up and see the crisscross pattern of trails on certain days and how they fill the skies.

HAARP, (Google "HAARP") supposedly a high intensity "weather" study system, (scaler energy) is used in a variety of ways, oftentimes in conjunction with chemtrails which can show the patterns generated by HAARP right in the cloud formations. It is little known but is being used daily with very dangerous possibilities.

Our food supply is unsafe, containing chemicals, additives, preservatives and artificial ingredients, all claimed to "protect us" and "improve" the products. Do we really think this is safe? Remember the Batman movie where Joker tainted many products with chemicals, and when people combined these products, they died? The principle is clear, and it is working in our society and has been for many decades. Chemicals are NOT healthy and will damage health.

We are totally dependent on roads and trucks to bring in food across America. We have been purposely distanced from food sources. Imagine two days with no trucks rolling to bring food in to the stores. A population having no food will be willing slaves, and submissive to government to get that food. How about our water system. Simply shut off the water in cities across America. Add something to city water supplies across America and kill several million people in a short time. How’s that for control? Who has 6 months to 1 year of food and water available to them at home? Why not?

Vaccinations, which contain heavy metals and other chemicals are routinely injected into people. Kids are especially vulnerable (Google "vaccines and autism"). Autism is rapidly increasing across the population. Flu shots are accepted as normal, yet people constantly get sick despite them. It stops nothing, and what are you allowing them to inject into your body? Our children and military receive how many of these? Do you hear of warnings about these from media? Have you seen expert warnings about these "attacks?" Vaccinations are linked to Gulf War Syndrome as well. Weakening our military, slowly. Why do you think they want to make it mandatory to be vaccinated, especially at a time of an outbreak? Did you realize that EVERY case of polio in recent decades is directly related to the vaccination?

If you believed that the world’s population was far too great, (and they do) and that it should only sustain about 500 million people safely, how would you go about eliminating 5.5 billion of them? Besides lacing food supplies with 10's of thousands of chemicals, designed around looks and taste, NOT real nutrition, and then making vast sums of money on the sickness and disease that comes from this, how about creating a virus - AIDS - which is released into the population, to test it (race specific testing) and to kill many of the "useless eaters" as they call them. How about Ebola? A nation whose health is already compromised, with little food and poor water are easy targets. TB and other diseases are making a strong comeback. Would continual wars work, too, where depleted uranium, radioactive for thousands of years contaminates the ground, and is picked up by the winds and carried around the world? What about testing depleted uranium weapons right in America, in the Southwest, occurring today?

How about suppressing natural health care, restricting natural products and force chemotherapy and radiation on people as the only "scientific" way to fight cancer and possibly save them. Drugs of every kind we are taught to depend on, and trust in... all unnatural elements we subject our bodies to and which affects our immune systems and sets up premature degenerative changes. The U.S. is the greatest, wealthiest, most medically advanced nation in history with the worst health of any nation on the planet. Coincidence? How many people would be in major trouble if drugs were NOT available? How have we been addicted to these and NOT allowed the freedom of good health through the natural system? Is it freedom to depend on drugs?

We’ve been coached into accepting and believing in "created needs" and now support a corporate system which supplies these needs for gain, and which weakens us personally... deodorants and antiperspirants (with aluminum), hair coloring, cosmetics, all with hundreds of chemicals in them, dozens of personal care products designed around vanity and all affecting health.

Our infrastructure is aging, as the collapse of the bridge in Minnesota reminded us of. It is estimated that it will cost $9,000,000,000 a year for 20 years to repair our infrastructure. Our government has pissed away $500 Billion on Iraq in a few years. Is that a coincidence? They claim, "We can’t afford to do the repairs." I wonder why. Spending money on unconstitutional projects such as wars, bailing out banks and corporations, funding various unconstitutional subsidies, giving congress pay raises, etc. They can print money for war and crimes, but they can’t spend money on America? It is stated that with all the money we spent in Iraq, America could now be energy independent.

Allowing our roads, bridges, dams, waste water treatment plants, electrical supply grid, and other essential elements of our country to decay simply allows them to create a disaster at any one of those points with invisibility, and control populations. Imagine eliminating several hundred or more major bridges across the country to stop travel and control us during marshal law. Destroy a few electric stations and the power stops. Do you have a means to exist if that were to happen?

Grid patterns for military and civilian police forces are already set up for all major population centers. Gridlock cities preventing travel and escape... and what do people do? Stop food, water and gas supplies and what do you do?

Imagine having technology that could send a beam of energy (Google "scaler energy") to a weak bridge and collapse it, or to a Space Shuttle taking off and destroying it... to test their abilities? Imagine using such technologies on a returning shuttle, destroying it from a great distance, or helping three building to completely collapse in New York.

Do you think we don’t have such technologies? (Go to and Google "NASA UFO" and "NASA: The Smoking Gun" and "The Case For NASA UFO's - Part 2) Either this actual NASA shuttle video shows we are being invaded by extraterrestrials, and the government is suppressing this, or America has space ship technology and the government is suppressing this as well. In either case, technologies DO exist far beyond what is admitted today. You won’t believe your eyes when you watch that video.

Could the severe weather be just more testing of weather technology? How about Katrina, and the many other hurricanes we’ve had. Scaler energy technology could do these things, and what better way to test these things than to bring about disasters to further their objectives, such as getting rid of the poor in New Orleans? Steering weather patterns by heating the atmosphere, or cooling another part of the skies? Science fiction?

Our industrial base is all but destroyed, and we are dependent on international sources for our needs. We couldn’t gear up very effectively for a world war if we wanted to today. Our military jets are old, 40 plus years for most of them according to data. We are spending our wealth fighting wars in many places, weakening America’s military equipment and personnel. They are coming home sick and injured from depleted uranium, vaccinations and war injuries. What better way to weaken our might than to spend our military people on illegal wars so they cannot defend us later when the big push comes?

Our money supply is in the hands of a private corporation, the Federal Reserve, and is based on nothing of value. Our ability to have real wealth has been removed so we do NOT have gold and silver, which is actual, legal money, and they know this. If you have Federal Reserve notes, which are just paper, they have control of that. Your bank account, stocks, bonds, IRA’s, and any other "paper" wealth, can disappear in a moment, and likely will. If you have gold or silver, this is good anywhere in the world, and holds its value. What better way to set up an eventual crash, and confiscate wealth, than through worthless paper money? How free and protected will you feel if that happens?

Our public schools are dumming down our kids, rewriting history, and indoctrinating children with government mindlessness. People can’t read or write who graduate. Is this good for a nation? Is it part of the overall plan to destroy America from within? We entertain ourselves into a coma... watching mindless shows which kill our time and our minds. We’ve embraced society as "they" want it to be, and so they can control us now, and especially later when they pull the plug.

What of the North American Union being planned by our leaders behind closed doors? America, Mexico and Canada, merged into a North American Union, just like Europe, further consolidating control, power, and removing sovereignty a little bit more across the planet. They continue fighting to remove guns from people’s hands so Americans will eventually be defenseless.

The enemy doesn’t have to worry about third world nations. They are no threat to them. They will eliminate most of these poor in time. What they DO have to contend with is freedom, liberty and a nation of people that are well armed to defend themselves against tyranny, and still have wealth to allow freedom to exist. That they are powerless against without our willing submission to their agenda.

Are you aware of the no-bid contracts to Haliburton to build domestic detention centers. Internment camps (Google "american internment camps," or go to and that have been built across America? Camps with barbed wire pointing IN, not out? Camps with shackles imbedded into the concrete, with attached chains? Old military bases retrofitted for prisoners? Rail cars with bars and shackles? Whom do you think these have been prepared for? "It couldn’t happen in America," you say? It is ALREADY happening in America, and most Americans are completely unaware of these facts.

Steal people’s wealth, remove their ability to be healthy, take their jobs from them, and keep them dependent on government and corporations for food and power. Without money, jobs, food and power, we are literal slaves to government, to do their bidding. As we sit and do nothing, our slavery and imprisonment is being prepared for us by the day. Marshal law is being organized, and we might see it come soon, possibly suspending the 2008 elections so they can maintain power and the slide into fascism. They are getting desperate because many Americans are waking up, so we can expect another disaster if we do not stop them.

We will likely see a major plague released across this country. Manufactured bird flu, or the early 1900's flu (which they dug up and re-manufactured) and release across the country as a pretext for marshal law, or another 911 type event unleashed for the same reason. Rumor has it, they plan something like this, this fall. Manipulation of people. We are sitting ducks at this moment, waiting to be plucked if we do nothing. Can your health survive a plague and do you have something to stop it dead in its tracks? It IS available.

If all of America stood up today against this agenda, this would NOT stop their attempt to maintain control of this country. Killing several million people is nothing to them. They have this in place as we speak. To believe otherwise is to forget the past and plunge ahead into the same mistakes of the past.

A coup d’etat has already occurred in America, we just haven’t accepted that yet. Our own people have betrayed us. They are killing us off in every way possible, weakening the rest under the cover of darkness. They serve their father who influences them, guides them and manipulates them. They are doing their father’s will, and serve him toward world domination and slavery.

Why suppress alternative energy sources? It allows people to have energy that is NOT dependent on the "system." Energy allows freedom, and they can’t allow this to get out, especially free energy, or anti-gravity devices. (Google "over unity devices,""zero point energy" and "Tesla technologies," and go to This technology, and more, exists, as the NASA video clearly shows. Big business and government simply prevent it from surfacing, even murdering to suppress it.

To believe there is NOT an evil mind behind the world’s events is to ignore reality and facts. We are at war, a terrorist war with some of our own people, and with those who seek our destruction. Unless people begin taking back control over their own lives, stopping the corruption, holding people accountable, becoming less dependent on government or outside sources, and gaining a little more freedom, we will see a time of fear and horror this world has never been through before. America stands at the brink of such beginnings. Either we wake up, begin working together to stem this tide, become more self sufficient and less dependent on the system, or we have permanently lost our country and way of life.

He who has the ears to hear, and the eyes to see, let them begin to act.

Authors Bio:
Jeff Maehr is a health and wellness professional and has been in natural health for 35 years, and is dedicated to educating people about the natural health system and how it can change your health and life. Dr. Maehr previously published a newspaper called the Southwest Free Press, an alternative news source dedicated to truth and Constitutional law, and educating our people in true health, personal freedom, personal responsibility in maintaining freedom, and resisting tyranny and lawlessness on every level. The education of Americans in the Constitution and laws for freedom and preservation of rights is key to taking our country and counties back!
