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October 10, 2007

French Say Iran attack Oct 15, NORTHCOM Plans 5 Day Martial Law Exercise The Same Day

By William Cormier

Do you believe in coincidences? Of course, they happen all the time, and with this government, coincidence and incompetence are the bread and butter of the Bush administration. When I quoted "Le Canard Enchaîné" which predicted an attack on Iran would occur on October the 15th, I was then unaware that NORTHCOM was Planning a 5 Day anti-terrorism exercise called Vigilant Shield 08.


Do you believe in coincidences? Of course, they happen all the time, and with this government, coincidence and incompetence are the bread and butter of the Bush administration. When I quoted “Le Canard Enchaîné” which I found in The New York Sun that predicted an attack on Iran would occur on October the 15th, I was then unaware that NORTHCOM was Planning a 5 Day anti-terrorism exercise called Vigilant Shield 08. I noted that members from the site George W. Bush - Terrorist in the White House were following a link to my article on the subject, Attack On Iran Slated For October 15th, Prepare For Disaster. Being my usual curious self, I went to their site, and I found this link staring me in the face - and when I read it, a chill ran up my spine as I attempted to grasp the magnitude of the “coincidence.”:

NORTHCOM Plans 5 Day Martial Law Exercise

The United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) has just announced plans for an anti-terrorism exercise called Vigilant Shield 08. The exercise which is slated to run from October 15th to October 20th is described as a way to prepare, prevent and respond to any number of national crises. The exercise is simply a test case scenario for the implementation of martial law. Although the description of the exercise is disturbing, USNORTHCOM also announced that they are more prepared for a natural disaster and a
terrorist attack after they used their response to Hurricane Katrina as a test laboratory.

During Hurricane Katrina, authorities violated the constitutional rights of citizens by stealing people’s firearms and even relocating people against their will. These announcements are incredibly disturbing on a number of levels as the nature of Vigilant Shield 08 and the admission that Hurricane Katrina was used as a test laboratory shows that the government is actively preparing the military and government institutions
for martial law.

Below is the full press release from USNORTHCOM describing Vigilant Shield 08.

“North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command along with U.S. Pacific Command, the Department of Homeland Security as well as local, state and other federal responders will exercise their response abilities against a variety of potential threats during Exercise Vigilant Shield ‘08, a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-designated, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM)-sponsored, and U.S. Joint Forces Command-supported Department of Defense exercise for homeland defense and defense support of civil authorities missions.

VS-08 will be conducted concurrent with Top Officials 4 (TOPOFF 4), the nation’s premier exercise of terrorism preparedness sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security, and several other linked exercises as part of the National Level Exercise 1-08. These linked exercises will take place Ocober 15-20 and are being conducted throughout the United States and in conjunction with several partner nations including Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, as well as the Territory of Guam.

VS-08 and National Level Exercise 1-08 will provide local, state, tribal, interagency, Department of Defense, and non-governmental organizations and agencies involved in homeland security and homeland defense the opportunity to participate in a full range of
exercise scenarios that will better prepare participants to prevent and respond to national crises. The participating organizations will conduct a multi-layered, civilian-led response to a national crisis.

USNORTHCOM’s primary exercise venues for VS-08 include locations in Oregon, Arizona and a cooperative venue with USPACOM in the Territory of Guam. NORAD’s aerospace detection and defense events will take place across all the exercise venues, to exercise
the ability to mobilize resources for aerospace defense, aerospace control, maritime
warning, and coordination of air operations in a disaster area.”

This exercise is clearly a way to prepare government to respond to a national crisis with martial law. This announcement also follows a number of other news stories that indicate the government is becoming more actively prepared for the implementation of martial law. LINK
(Thank you George W. Bush - Terrorist in the White House)

On September the 11th, 2001, another “coincidence” occurred; Two passenger jets hit the World Trade Center, another “passenger jet” allegedly hit the Pentagon, and a fourth crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Thousands of innocent Americans lost their lives that day, and on that exact day:

On September 11, 2001, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) was involved in an ongoing operation which involved deploying fighter aircraft to northwestern North America. The US Military and NORAD had also planned to conduct several military exercises and a drill was being held by the National Reconnaissance Office, a Department of Defense agency. The operations, exercises and drills were all canceled following the September 11, 2001 attacks. (Wikipedia) LINK

I’ve heard that Condoleeza Rice warned the Mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown, not to fly on 9/11… I’m sure that was a coincidence too, but knowing that, I have yet to understand why the mayor wouldn’t admit that it was Condi Rice who warned him rather than stating it was his “airport security.” But, like most lies,the truth was uncovered:

David Irving comments:

ACCORDING to a report today Friday, May 17, 2002, on Pacifica Radio, the warning to San Francisco’s mayor came from squeaky-clean Condoleezza Rice. I recall that attorney general John Ashcroft received a similar warning in July. LINK

There have been too many “coincidences” since George Bush and Dick Cheney were placed in the White House. They stated they were bringing back morals and credibility to the White House, but instead, quite coincidentally, those who helped get Bush elected were placed in prominent positions throughout our government - and many are under investigation, indictment, or have already been sentenced for abusing their positions. Even as I write these words, the investigations continue, and we as a nation are plagued with the most incompetent, criminally negligent Presidency in the history of this nation!

When you read the actual press release from USNORTHCOM, it doesn’t state that it’s a “Martial Law” exercise, however, if you have read the changes President Bush has made to the martial law doctrine, and when you find-out that his “Disaster Plan” is so secret that Democratic Members of the Committee which supposedly holds oversight hearings on Homeland Security have been barred from actually reading or seeing the report. Why?

Why did Paul Craig Roberts, Ronald Reagan’s former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, state this:

“Unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the US could be a dictatorial police state at war with Iran.”

“I don’t actually think they’re very strong,” said Roberts of his words. “I get a lot of flak that they’re understated and the situation is worse than I say. … When Bush exercises this authority [under the new Executive Order] … there’s no check to it. It doesn’t have to be ratified by Congress. The people who bear the brunt of these dictatorial police state actions have no recourse to the judiciary. So it really is a form of total, absolute, one-man rule. … The American people don’t really understand the danger that they face.” MUCH MORE

I honestly don’t know what Bush and Cheney are up to, but based on past performance, or the lack thereof - I’d say it’s anyone’s guess what will happen next. I clearly stated in Attack On Iran Slated For October 15th, Prepare For Disaster that I didn’t believe that an attack would occur on October the 15th, if for no other reason, that the “cat was out of the bag” since it was reported on “Le Canard Enchaîné”. Who would attack someone on a date that had already been publicized? To me, such a scenario would be madness, and would cause a huge increase in American causalities - military and civilian.

I discussed this scenario with my twin sons, and one made a remark that placed matters in a different perspective; He asked me if I remembered him when he was in high school, and if he said he was going to fight someone on a certain date and time, he was there. Back then, he was pretty stubborn, and wouldn’t listen to anyone, including me. He stated, “What if Bush is the kind of person like I used to be? What then?” It’s a good question, and one that I can’t answer; let’s hope that sanity and the Rule of Law will prevail, but I’ll be honest, there have been too many coincidences lately, and we are faced with another one in just a few days. I don’t think anything will happen on that date because of the publicity on the Internet and the International outrage that would follow - but nobody has been able to get this President to listen to anyone other than those who agree with him, so what comes next is anyone’s guess - and as Americans, it wouldn’t hurt anything if we all remained vigilant in the coming days in case we are faced with another “coincidence.”

William Cormier

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Authors Bio:

My Bio is as varied as my life. In 2012, my twin sons murdered a Journalist in Pensacola, Fl., for 100K worth of "Magic The Gathering" playing cards and buried the body in my backyard. I was once a regular writer here, but PTSD from my son's actions took their toll. First, I lost everything I had. Second, I lost my fiancee. Third, I almost lost my life. Recovery has been a hard and lonesome road, and it isn't quite over yet. I will overcome this disaster as I have others, and return to college to resume my quest to receive a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism.

Admittedly, I have chosen to get back in the mix and do my duty to help destroy any chance that Trump may have of being elected to a second term.
