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April 13, 2008

NY Sun Reports on U.N. Official's Call for Study of U.S. Govt. Role in 9/11 Attacks

By Bill Douglas

NY Sun Reports on U.N. Official's Call for Study of U.S. Govt. Role in 9/11 Attacks The ability of otherwise rational people to continue to bury their heads in the sand when it comes to the glaring problems with the U.S. government's official story of the attacks of 9/11 . . . appears to be nearing a rapidly escalating end.


The ability of otherwise rational people to continue to bury their heads in the sand when it comes to the glaring problems with the U.S. government’s official story of the attacks of 9/11 . . . appears to be nearing a rapidly escalating end. 


Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels stated at the Nuremburg War Crimes Trials, “Propaganda is not meant to fool the intelligencia, it is merely meant to provide them an excuse to avoid seeing ugly realities, they’d sooner not believe.”

On April 10, 2008, the New York Sun Newspaper reported on a new U.N. Human Rights Council official assigned to monitor Israel, who is calling for an official commission to study the role neoconservatives may have played in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.  The Sun reported that the UN official calling for the 9/11-neocon link study, who was unanimously appointed to his UN position on March 26, is Richard Falk, Milbank professor of international law emeritus at Princeton University. 

This explosive development builds on a growing tsunami of such demands.  Years ago former German national minister and parliamentarian Andreas Von Bulow, was joined by UK former national minister and parliamentarian, in stating that the evidence indicates that 9/11 was orchestrated by elements within the U.S. government. 

Around that time I had the opportunity to interview Paul Hellyer, who served as a Canadian Minister of National Defence.  In that role Hellyer was very familiar with normal NORAD Air Defence procedures, and expressed to me his deep concern that the US Air Force was mysteriously absent on the morning of 9/11, and that he felt an urgent need for a new investigation.

Since then hundreds of military, intelligence, engineering, architectural, and government experts have come out publicly doubting the official story, and many saying outright that the evidence indicates that elements of the U.S. government had to have executed the attacks of September 11, 2001. Their statements are available for viewing at 

The tsunami of international suspicion preceding this week’s explosive demand by the U.N. official, appeared to have crested and begun its crushing descent in the last few weeks, which began when Japanese Senator Fujita grilled the Japanese Prime Minister on national television for nearly 30 minutes.  In that time Fujita laid out and presented graphics indicating that the American government had not only lied to Japan about 9/11, but that pointed to likely US government involvement in the attacks.  Fujita stated that many ministers of the Japanese Parliament thanked him for his courage and expressed their own suspicions of the US Government’s official 9/11 story.

This was followed by Italian European Parliamentarian, Guilietto Chiesa, who invited his colleagues at the European Parliament, and the press, to attend the screening and debate of the Italian-produced documentary named ‘ZERO, an investigation into the events of 9/11’.  Chiesa too has indicated that other parliamentarians share his concerns about the official story about 9/11, who are yet to go public with such concerns. 

This jives with my experience when years ago, as the Director of National 911 Visibility, I began corresponding with
Paul Lannoye, a European Parliamentarian who represented Belgium.  The result of our communications was revealed in the following letter, Parliamentarian Lannoye later released on
 24 May, 2004

Dear World Legislators, Parliamentarians, and World Citizens,

We have watched with alarm that the sad and tragic events of 9-11 (11 September, 2001) have resulted in two wars and a global rollback in civil liberties. Iraq had nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks, yet it has been attacked in the name of them. People in countries worldwide have suffered reduced civil liberties in the name of 9-11, and intelligence surveillance of ordinary citizens has expanded dramatically.

I submit to you that before any more wars are launched or liberties are lost in the name of the "war on terror" launched by the Bush Administration after 9-11, a full international inquiry into the events leading up to and on 9-11 be held, which includes 9-11 victims' family members from the U.S. and other nations.

The National Green Party of the United States has requested an open independent 9-11 investigation that would involve 9-11 victims' family members. This is a good start, but it must also be an international inquiry in addition that includes 9-11 family members from nations worldwide who lost loved ones in the 9-11 attacks.

We need this to occur because many, including the 9-11 Family Steering Committee (U.S.), are growing increasingly frustrated with the stunning lack of hard questions for witnesses appearing before the 9-11 Commission. Until these hard questions are asked and fully answered, we should refuse more wars, and renounce reduced liberty worldwide in the name of 9-11 and it's resultant war on terror . . .

. . . I implore legislators, parliamentarians, and citizens worldwide to become involved in the global 9-11 Truth Movement by signing up at and These organizations have worked with 9-11 family members, and citizens worldwide to lobby government, media, and the 9-11 Commission to demand truth, and to hold public actions to educate the world about the apparent 9-11 cover up.

Warm regards,

Paul Lannoye, European Union Parliamentarian

The U.S. media stayed stone silent on the recent dramatic events unfolding on national television and in the national Parliament of Japan, and at the European Parliament, just as they had in the past when these many leaders early on demanded a new investigation.  Apparently, they thought they could keep the growing demand for a new 9/11 investigation “outside” America’s consciousness, by simply putting their fingers in their collective ears.

However, this came to not be the case.  Charlie Sheen and Rosie O’Donnell were among the first well known celebrities to point out the obvious reality that the official 9/11 story simply does not make any sense at all.  But, recently beloved country singer Willie Nelson jumped in and asked, “How can two planes knock down three skyscrapers?”  He was referring to the mysterious afternoon collapse of World Trade Center 7, which was not hit by a plane on 9/11, and oddly collapsed like a Las Vegas hotel demolition for no apparent reason, and none has ever been provided by NIST investigators.


The 9/11 Commission headed by Bush Admin. confidant Philip Zelikow, amid angry protests of 9/11 family members who lashed out at the idea of a Bush confidant running the investigation, amazingly made no mention at all of World Trade Center 7.  The 9/11 Commission simply pretended that that unexplainable collapse, never occurred.


Willie Nelson’s public questioning of WTC 7’s unexplained collapse, was again echoed in recent days by former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, when he said on national media, “How can two planes bring down three buildings?”  Ventura said he was first woken up to the lies of the official story when his daughter got him to watch the documentary “Loose Change,” by Dylan Avery, Jason Bermas, and Korey Rowe.

Still the US media refuses to talk about the 9/11 questions.  However, that may not last, as a New York Times best selling author, Steve Alten, turned 9/11 questioner is gaining support for his courageous mainstream media demands for answers about 9/11.  Between April 16 to 22nd people all over America are being urged to participate in a national buy-in of Alten’s explosive new historical-novel “The Shell Game,” in an effort to drive it to the top 10 of the New York Times best seller list.  The goal is to catapult Alten and his 9/11 questions and facts onto mainstream media programs, because media gets their guest authors from the top 10 of the NY Times list.  This effort has gained support from mainstream respected 9/11 researchers who came together to push this attempt to break thru the corporate media blockade. 

This diverse group of people involves major 9/11 truth organizations, a former Reagan Administration official, a 9/11 family member, and activists nationwide.  Links to this event "Week of Truth - April 16 to 22nd" are found on many websites including the nationally renowned "Project Censored," and  The website this activist consortiam has created to inform the public on how they can get involved in the
 April 16 to 22nd effort, is

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Authors Bio:
By William E. Douglas, Jr., who is author of "The Amateur Parent -- A Book on Life, Death, War & Peace, and Everything Else in the Universe." Bill has been a guest columnist for the Kansas City Star, The Business Journal, and other media worldwide. His past essays include, "Exposing the 9/11 Conspiracy Wingnuts," "The Explosion of the 9-11 Truth Movement -- US Media's Dirty Little Secret," "Good Night, and Good Luck - WMD, NIST, Popular Mechanics, 9/11 and Media Crimes" and also "Why the Jewish Community Should Demand 9/11 Truth."
