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July 18, 2008


By Mark Crispin Miller

It is a case of vast historical importance, not just because of what it will reveal about US elections since 2000, but, no less, because it represents the only way that we might actually prevent another stolen race this fall. By shining a bright light, at last, on all the topmost perpetrators of the fraud thus far, this suit will drive them all into defensive mode and, therefore, out of business.


I'm sending this again, as a lot of you seem not to have received it. The Georgia story is but one little piece of this far larger plot--which is, in fact, the whole enchilada.

Mark Crispin Miller

Here, friends, is some news of vast importance--the beginning of a major lawsuit that will thoroughly expose Bush/Cheney's long conspiracy to steal their "victories" through election fraud.

It is a case of vast historical importance, not just because of what it will reveal about US elections since 2000, but, no less, because it represents the only way that we might actually prevent another stolen race this fall. By shining a bright light, at last, on all the topmost perpetrators of the fraud thus far, this suit will drive them all into defensive mode and, therefore, out of business.

To understand the magnitude of this amazing case, please read Steve Heller's piece, below, about today's press conference in Columbus, Ohio, where attorney Cliff Arnebeck--and whistle-blower Stephen Spoonamore--laid out the case before a number of impressed reporters.

Here are just a few enticing bullet points:

> Stephen Spoonamore is a prominent Republican--who until recently was working for McCain's campaign--and a respected expert on computer fraud.

> Spoonamore has named Mike Connell, a fiercely partisan IT specialist, as Karl Rove's primary instrument for high-tech sabotage throughout the past eight years (at least). A self-proclaimed Bush loyalist (and a fanatical pro-lifer), Connell has been at the scene of every dubious election since 2000 (including the gubernatorial race in Alabama in 2002, when Don Siegelman was "beaten" by Bob Riley).
> Connell has not only been assisting Rove on the electoral front, but also has full control of the congressional computer system. As Heller reports:

One of the more frightening aspects of Connell's work is that he created the firewall for the U.S. Congressional computer system. Of course, it is completely possible that the firewall could have been created with secret security gaps that can be exploited to hack into any congressional computer. If that has happened, every computer in any senate or congressional office is subject to hacking by Bush/Republican operatives.

(It is quite possible, in fact, that the bizarre timidity of Reid, Pelosi and most other leading Democrats may be explained as a result of BushCo having lots of dirt on all of them-- dirt gleaned freely from their emails and other on-line correspondence, all of which may well have been surveilled by Rove's own men.)

And those are just a few of the extraordinary revelations in this landmark case.

So stay tuned, friends, and spread the word.

Mark Crispin Miller

'04 OH Election Case Revived: Expert Alleges Massive Fraud, Rove Named at Press Conference!

Ohio Attorney Files to Lift Stay on '04 Election Case, Cites Allegations, Evidence of Massive Fraud by a Number of GOP Operatives
Leading Data Security Expert Joins Press Conference, Case, Notes Fraudulent Patterns That Should Have Triggered Investigation
Motion to Proceed with Targeted Discovery in Case Explained as Effort to Help Protect Integrity of '08 Election...
Posted By Steve Heller On 17th July 2008 @ 16:04 In Election Irregularities, Election 2004, J. Kenneth Blackwell, Ohio, Karl Rove, Election 2000, Election Fraud, Election 2008, FBI, Jennifer Brunner, Don Siegelman | No Comments
-- Special to The BRAD BLOG [1] by Steve Heller of Velvet Revolution [2]

At a press conference this morning in Columbus, Ohio, Cliff Arnebeck, lead attorney for the plaintiffs in the case of King Lincoln Bronzeville v. Blackwell [3], announced that he is filing a motion to "lift the stay in the case [and] proceed with targeted discovery in order to help protect the integrity of the 2008 election."
Arnebeck will also "be providing copies of document hold notices to the U.S .Chamber Institute for Legal Reform and the U.S. Justice Department for Karl Rove emails from the White House."

This case has the potential to put some of the most powerful people in the country in jail, according to Arnebeck, as he was joined by a well-respected, life-long Republican computer security expert who charged that the red flags seen during Ohio's 2004 Presidential Election would have been cause for "a fraud investigation in a bank, but it doesn't when it comes to our vote."
"This entire system is being programmed in secret by programmers who have no oversight by anybody," the expert charged, as Arnebeck detailed allegations of complicity by a number of powerful GOP operatives and companies who had unique access both to the election results as reported in 2004, as well as to U.S. House and Senate computer networks even today.
The presser was attended by some of the corporate-controlled media, including the head of the Ohio AP bureau, the Columbus Dispatch, and IndyMedia. Listening in by phone were ABC News, our friends from RAW STORY, and me, your humble blogger. I recorded the presser, so I have no links for the quotes in this post, but I transcribed them word-for-word and can vouch for their accuracy.
One of the more delightful and interesting quotes comes from Arnebeck, concerning what he expects to discover as the stay is lifted: "[W]e anticipate Mr. Rove will be identified as having engaged in a corrupt, ongoing pattern of corrupt activities specifically affecting the situation here in Ohio"...

According to Arnebeck, his expert witness, Stephen Spoonamore, "works for credit card companies chasing data thieves, identity thieves around the globe, and also consults with government agencies including the Secret Service, the Pentagon, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation in criminal matters. [He's] really one of the top, and in fact the top private cop in the world on the subject of data security."

Click here for rest of article.

Authors Bio:
Mark's new book, Loser Take All: Election Fraud and the Subversion of Democracy, 2000-2008, a collection 14 essays on Bush/Cheney's election fraud since (and including) 2000, is just out, from Ig Publishing.

He is also the author of Fooled Again: The Real Case for Electoral Reform,
which is now out in paperback from Basic Books, with over 100 pages of new material.
He may be reached through his blog at A movie based on his
off-Broadway show, A Patriot Act, is available on DCD at
