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August 26, 2008

Let Them Drink

By Walter F. Wouk

The 21-year old minimum drinking age is an insult to young adults


Supporters of the 21-year minimum drinking age ignore the fact that 18, 19 and 20-year old adults are consuming alcohol, despite the law. The 21-year old minimum drinking age has resulted in an underground society of young adults who flout the law -- and rightly so.

The minimum drinking age is discriminatory based on age. It violates the Constitution by forcing states to comply with the federal government . It should be treated with contempt by young adults.

The law insults young adults like Army Specialist. Monica Lin Brown, a 19-year-old Medic from Texas, who is only the second female soldier since World War II to receive the Silver Star, the nation's third-highest medal for valor.(1)

Specialist Brown, of Lake Jackson, Texas, was part of a four-vehicle convoy patrolling in eastern Afghanisatn in April, 2007. A bomb struck one of the Humvees, which wounded five soldiers in her unit, Brown ran through insurgent gunfire and used her body to shield wounded comrades as mortars fell less than 100 yards away, according to the U.S. military.

Monica Lin Brown is a courageous young woman and a bona fide war hero, but if she is caught quaffing a beer in her home state of Texas, she would be charged with a Class C Misdemeanor. Her sentence would mandate a $500.00 Fine, 8 to 12-hours of Community Service. Her driver's license would be suspended for 30-days and she would have to attend a Mandatory Alcohol Awareness Course.

And that begs the question: is there a suppporter of the 21-year old drinking age that can stand up and--with a straight face--defend the notion that young adults such as Ms. Brown should be subject to onerous legal sanctions for merely sipping a cold beer with friends or having a glass of wine with dinner.

1. - Female medic earns Silver Star in Afghan war -

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Authors Bio:
Vietnam veteran, editor and publisher of Rabble Rouser
