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August 27, 2008
Oxymoron of the Century: Freedom Cages
By Barbara Zaha
Despite the inspiring eloquence of the candidates and political party leadership, neither of the two major parties wants to hear the truth or the true voice of the American people.
Less than eight full years into the new millennium and already we have the oxymoron of the century: freedom cages. Although credit must rightly be given to the GOP for being the first to effectively silence the voice of the American people through the use of unjust Spartan detainment during the 2004 Republican Convention, in Denver, Democrats have heartily embraced the concept of incinerating the sentiments of the people with equal enthusiasm.
Despite the progressives' hollow mantra for change, their use of Orwellian tactics via the newly constructed freedom cages, rightly dubbed "Gitmo on the Platte," defines their aligned allegiance with the current regime. The fate of our eroding Constitution has thus been sealed with bi-partisan support to blatantly deny not only our votes, but also our voices; blindly following Bush's all too convenient mandate, "The Constitution is nothing but a god damn piece of paper."
This assault on democracy demonstrates a blockade so extremely contrary to the precepts this nation was originally founded on, and is no less than an absolute defilement of the Constitution in order to silence those brave, courageous souls who speak truth regardless of the threats wielded by political powerbrokers; essentially, a declaration of war on the American people.
As the newly self-anointed political elite destroy the very essence of democracy, the voice and vote of the people, as a eulogy to a democracy lost, with our outraged indignation let us honor the noble vision of our founding fathers by recalling the famous words of John Adams, "Be not intimidated . . . nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice."