Whereas Clinton's enemies made much of his imaginary homicides and fascist plans,they've mostly been stone-silent on the subject of Bush/Cheney's overt strikes against US democracy(e.g.,the Patriot Act)--and on the many unexplained and/or suspicious deaths that have occurred throughout the dark years of this presidency.Instead of trying to name them all, let's concentrate for now on those with clear links to Karl Rove.
Back in the Nineties, the right compiled a "Clinton death list," and kept it circulating as a part of their long propaganda drive against that president. They also spread a lot of rumors of a coming federal crackdown, muttering of black helicopters in the skies, and "jack-booted thugs" preparing to drag all good patriots away.
All that stuff was paranoid mythology, based loosely on some actual events (the FBI's assault at Ruby Ridge, which took place under Bush the Elder, and the massacre of the Branch Davidians in Waco) and lots of heated fantasy (such as the notion that the Clintons whacked Vince Foster).
Whereas Clinton's enemies made much of his imaginary homicides and fascist plans, they've mostly been stone-silent on the subject of Bush/Cheney's overt strikes against US democracy (e.g., the Patriot Act, etc.)--and on the many unexplained and/or suspicious deaths that have occurred throughout the dark years of this presidency.
The list is long. There's Ray Lemme, the Florida investigator who, just after he told Clint Curtis that he'd nailed the truth about the Bush Republicans' election fraud, "committed suicide" in Georgia; Deborah Palfrey, the "DC madam," who threatened to go public with her client list, then suddenly "committed suicide"; Athan Gibbs, whose company, TruVote, which specialized in non-computerized vote-counting, was starting to compete with Diebold and ES&S et al.--and who died young on a highway when his car was crushed by a big truck; Don C. Wiley, the Harvard biologist who also suddenly, and wholly inexplicably, "committed suicide" (a terminus apparently related to the Bush regime's own work with lethal germs).
There are a lot of others, too. Instead of trying to name them all, let's concentrate for now on those with clear links to Karl Rove.
From Velvet Revolution:
Karl Rove was working with
Phil Gramm when a witness died:
In 1985, Gramm was linked to a campaign contribution shakedown run out of a Small Business Administration (SBA) office in El Paso. He was never subjected to a complete investigation or negative press coverage, however, because on February 19, 1988, a leased Rockwell Aero Commander 680 crashed and exploded shortly after taking off from El Paso International Airport. All aboard, the pilot, his wife and son, were killed. The pilot was local businessman Don McCoy who, a day earlier, had agreed to give testimony in an FBI investigation that had threatened both Senator Gramm's protégé at the SBA, and some of the city's most prominent business leaders.
Rove was working on John Ashcroft's Senate campaign when his opponent, Mel Carnahan, was killed in a plane crash. Ashcroft lost the race.
Paul Wellstone was killed in a plane crash after speaking out loudly and publicly against starting the Iraq War. Rove was the political strategist in the White House.
[For an overview of the abundant evidence of foul play in Wellstone's case, see
And now Mike Connell. Quite the pile of bodies following Rove around.
Authors Bio:Mark's new book,
Loser Take All: Election Fraud and the Subversion of Democracy, 2000-2008, a collection 14 essays on Bush/Cheney's election fraud since (and including) 2000, is just out, from Ig Publishing.
He is also the author of
Fooled Again: The Real Case for Electoral Reform,
which is now out in paperback from Basic Books, with over 100 pages of new material.
He may be reached through his blog at
markcrispinmiller.com. A movie based on his
off-Broadway show, A Patriot Act, is available on DCD at