Subject: The Democratic party leadership is getting desperate. Look
See Original Content on OpEd News in article titled "No brokered convention!: If Sanders Wins a Big Plurality of Delegates, He Must Be the Democratic Presidential Nominee"
The Democratic party leadership is getting desperate. Look at this:
And now we have the most disgusting of attacks of all: a fake news claim from the US intelligence services that "the Russians" are backing Sanders to make Trump's chances of re-election better. No evidence of course, just as there is no evidence that Russians "hacked" the DNC and Clinton's emails. So far the public is laughing this latest McCarthyite smear against Sanders off. It needs to be called out for what it is though. Desperation. The public, which knows the US government is operating for the rich, should be able to put 2+2 together and get it that the establishment's hatred of Sanders is motivated by a fear that he's the real candidate with programs to return government to the People.
Dave Lindorff
founding editor of