Subject: Indeed, 'All those killings for $$$$' - that 9/11, it wasn'
See Original Content on OpEd News in article titled "Rehabilitating Rumsfeld, Erasing Empire - On All Those U.S. War Crimes in Iraq"
Indeed, 'All those killings for $$$$' - that 9/11, it wasn't the Iraqis or the Afghanis but they - Bush and congress - Republican controlled 107th to 109th congresses - borrowed and spent trillions on their 'preemptive' wars of aggression and 'falsehoods' against Afghanistan and Iraq, except that the AUMF 2001, and AUMF 2002, had never authorized - 'all the big lies he told about Iraq' - while cutting the taxes for the wealthy and spending big on the MIC corporations - 'the wealthy owners and top managers of the big corporations learned a very important lesson'. #ImperialPower.