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Jack Hickey
At: /spindoctorjimbo

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The original 'odd bird,' my stint as head of High School ROTC included my wearing MFS's black armband just before I turned down an appointment to West Point to go to Harvard. There, majoring in bridge, backgammon, and poker for my middle years as an undergrad, I managed to get a degree in History-and-Philosophy that led me to believe that writing was my calling.

Years and years in the South since then have sent me down all sorts of strange byways of political, environmental, and civil rights activism, during all three decades of which I've squeaked by fiscally doing all sorts of odd jobs, including slinging texts at all sorts of buyers when the market permitted.

Today, I teach--primarily Koreans--about the intricacies of reading and writing English, often as a second language, and imagine a future in which my fiction, commentary, journalism, and criticism finds an audience. Graduate school may beckon in my sixth decade above ground, who knows?

I'm game for collaboration, correspondence, and constructive feedback. "I'm drawn to those who seek the truth, and I flee from those who have found it." Or, as Octavio Paz noted, "He sang, singing not to remember his true life of lies, but to recall his lying life of truth."

OpEd News Member for 852 week(s) and 0 day(s)

19 Articles, 1 Quick Links, 47 Comments, 1 Diaries, 1 Series, 0 Polls

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From ImagesAttr
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Monday, August 8, 2016
Why the Modern Nuclear Project Will Persist: At Least Until We Focus Action on Why It Is Persisting This essay explores both empathy with youthful victims of the Hiroshima bomb, and an incisive analysis of why nuclear weapons continue to plague humankind.
Racism, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, October 8, 2015
Identity News, Color Blues, & Ethnic Dues, Part One And now, in my seventh decade hence, I sit in the higher massif of Western North Carolina, where I ponder so many years in the midst of what almost everyone around me calls race, a category as nonsensical as the notion that creatures of the same species have any relation but those of siblings, parents, offspring, various uncles or aunts, and cousins, which is what all of our sort on the planet are to each other if they do not
Sept 11 monument in NYC - August 2004, From ImagesAttr
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Chile: The Other 9-11 & The Karma of Empire In relation to matters like 9/11, plenty of writing on this year's September 11th speak to issues of note in regard to our beliefs about andremembrance of things past. Very few of them, however, at least here at home, have anything to say about what took place twenty-eight years prior to 2001 on that day, thousands of miles to the South in Chile.
(24 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Hiroshima & Nagasaki: Seven Decades & Counting I've written about Hiroshima in general for forty-odd years, and I've composed something tangible for every annual commemoration of the bombing for plus or minus a decade-and-a-half. Thus, again, I proffer ideas about this event and the even more egregious slaughter that followed three days' hence at Nagasaki. The following five conclusions are merely a tiny sample of critical or at minimum useful deductions about Hiroshima.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, March 6, 2011
Media, Mergers, Capitalism, and Popular Democracy: Part 3 This is the second chapter of four in the AOL unit of this humble correspondent's assessment of the HuffPo-America Online merger. This section details the early development of the corporate forms that became America Online.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, March 3, 2011
Media, Mergers, Capitalism, and Popular Democracy: Part 2 This narrative is the first of four specifically concerning America Online. This four-part unit is part of this humble correspondent's assessment of the Huff-Po/AOL merger. So far, no other assessments have considered the matter in this in-depth fashion.
(5 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, February 24, 2011
A Sizeable Dixie Rally for Working Class Solidarity On the steps of Georgia's capitol in Atlanta, in the shadow of Tom Watson's commanding presence, five hundred or more union members, community activists, students, and various other citizens--a widely representative sample that split fifty-fifty between men and women, was roughly equally White as Black, with a smattering of Hispanic and Native American advocates--stood up and shouted "Stop the War on Workers. "
(7 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Media, Mergers, Capitalism, and Popular Democracy Historical and analytical background to the Huffington Post-AOL merger, from a class-conscious perspective.
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Making Complaint Matter Part Three: Why Class-Action Lawsuits Cannot Replace a Class-Movement Uprising This is the last of three articles about the author's personal experience and investigation of the mortgage crisis.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, February 6, 2011
Making Complaint Matter Part 2: Why Class-Action Lawsuits Cannot Replace a Class-Movement Uprising A second installment from the foreclosure trenches; the law, the participants, and their opinions.
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, February 4, 2011
Making Complaint Matter: Why Class-Action Lawsuits Cannot Replace a Class-Movement Uprising An overview of and introduction to the insidious mortgage catastrophe unfolding in Georgia shows up here, along with the author's outreach to others to do something about it.
(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, February 1, 2011
An Initial Follow-up About the WTO, a Key Plutocratic Political-Economic Control Mechanism A second installment of six about the origins and present problems and prospects of the World Trade Organization
(2 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, January 29, 2011
An Introductory Glance at the WTO, Plutocracy's Controlling Political Economic Mechanism This is the first of six installments, which will clarify citizen understanding about World Trade Organization(WTO), which those who favor call a paragon of efficiency and sustainability and those who deplore it call a nefarious enterprise of insidious corruption and inherent oppression. I intend to inject some historical, grounded expression of such matters, specifically in relation to the early growth of capitalism.
Gulf War Highway of Death, From ImagesAttr
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, January 14, 2011
Atomic History Lessons and Understanding Depleted Uranium The 'Groves Memorandum' and the Continued Deployment of Depleted Uranium Weapons of Mass Destruction---Demonstrating the Heretofore Universality of United States Government Terrorism and Examining What a Transformation Toward Humanity Will Require in Regard to a Particular Instance of Such Depredation
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Plant Vogtle Part II In the whole Machievellian scene, the most chilling line, and yet another bow to 1984, came from commissioner Lauren McDonald, who asks "Can we all agree that nuclear energy is green?" As my redneck buddies would say, "Do what?"
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, March 16, 2009
Strange Twists of Fate for a Father and Scribe A world full of violence, fraud and delusion will inevitably see in the mirror of its children all of these qualities, even as they are simply trying to do their best--to live, to make sense of themselves and a world gone insane, to find a way toward something decent. In some sense, our only jobs, as parents and adults, involve providing some guidance about how they can achieve something decent from mostly 'doing their best'.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, March 1, 2009
Georgia Power's Appeal for Front-loaded Funding of Its New Nuke Plant The final reason for not turning over hundreds of millions of dollars a month to Georgia Power from the wallets, purses and paychecks of working Georgians is that we need to consider several important issues about nuclear power that have not been a part of the debate thus far before the Senate.
(6 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, January 11, 2009
Paul(as in Krugman)and Wendell(as in Berry)and Deborah(in lieu of Rupert), Oh My!! Everybody is talking about the present economic fiasco, but nobody is looking at it as a problem for political economic analysis. Instead, almost universally, commentators blame either greed or mismanagement in some form or other. A deeper socioeconomic analysis is something we need to do, however, and four recent articles suggest an interesting analytical synthesis.
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, November 14, 2008
Georgia Needs a Nice Nerd December 2--A Post-Veteran's Day Meditation This is a combination: on the one hand, it looks at our Veterans Day reminiscence in a progressive way; on the other hand, it examines the run-off battle for Georgia's Senate seat, in which the themes of a VD recollection recur repeatedly, and, for anyone with a pulse and a brain, require support for Jim Martin, which this piece details how to develop powerfully.

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