There ought to be a new reality TV show, let's call it "Keeping Up with the Crazies," starring everyone associated with Fox "News." It's not bad enough that their only potentially credible host, Greta Van Susteran, has taken her obsession with the Palin family to new lengths by intercepting reporters who wanted to speak with "The First Dude." That's just weird. But now Bill O'Reilly has upped the ante on sheer nuttiness by suggesting that legalizing same-sex marriage would allow someone to wed a turtle. O'Reilly's fascination with bestiality seems focused on water animals, as he has previously commented that gay marriage could lead to a union between a human being and a duck, or a dolphin. He did not posit whether or not the happy couple would honeymoon at Sea World. Can you imagine what would happen if Chris Matthews said something this ridiculous? Or Wolf Blitzer? But hey, this is Fox "News," what do you expect? Nobody gets freaked out when one of its stars pours fake gasoline on a guest, or brings on members of the mafia to explain how Obama's administration is akin to a crime syndicate. But it's high time they stop selling themselves as any kind of "News" organization. It's a comedy channel. And the number of former Bush administration clowns that make regular appearances only validates this fact.