Broadcast 3/22/2010 at 11:37 AM EDT (229 Listens, 149 Downloads, 1839 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. Caroline established her own educational institute in 2003, CMED (Caroline Myss Education), which offers an array of programs devoted to personal development. The Institute draws students from nineteen nations. In addition to hosting a weekly radio show on the Hay House network, Caroline maintains a rigorous international workshop and lecture schedule and continues a consultation practice as a medical intuitive with physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, and other health practitioners.
Caroline began her career as a journalist in 1974. After completing her Master's degree, she co-founded Stillpoint Publishing in 1983 and for the next seven years headed the editorial department, producing an average of ten books a year in the field of human consciousness and holistic health. Simultaneously Caroline began her career as a medical intuitive, with the assistance of C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., a Harvard-trained neurosurgeon interested in the science of medical intuition. Caroline refined her intuitive skills by conducting health readings on Norm's patients by telephone. By knowing only the patient's name and age, Caroline can profile a person's physical, psychological, emotional, and family history.
Based on her extensive research, Caroline developed the field of Energy Anatomy, a science that correlates specific emotional/psychological/physical/spiritual stress patterns with diseases. This research proved so accurate that it became the subject matter of a book co-written by Caroline and Norm: THE CREATION OF HEALTH. Eventually this groundbreaking research became standard classroom material on the principles of holistic health, psychological stress patterns, and alternative healing methods.
Interview Notes:
Author, teacher, medical intuitive.... and more
economically, people from the top down don't want change.
Our nation was founded by political mystics.
This is the most historically profound time to be alive
This is an axial change
end of fossil, beginning solar age.
ending 5 senses perception and entering age of energetic perception. 10:50
People are
have to think in terms of being an energy species instead of...
Our politics are a catastrophe of a proportion that can't be measured.
They are creatures from the last century trying to combat problems coming at them from a new millennium.
Predicaments don't have solutionsl. They shape us. One dialogues with a predicament.
People at the top are from an old world and believe in an
Bottom up people have more to gain by being open.
Bush Cheney were so dangerous to the turning point of this country.
   It is because of this war.. policies, expense, deregulation policies-- the procorporate policies of Bush Cheney admin that our country is now broke. We don't have a chance to recover. ...22:30
Where are we going to go?
We are imploding in our own culture.
our educational system is completely collapsing
We are allowiong the lowest common denominator to determine what is being taught to our children-- doctrines of the primitive frightened mind and .... are all removed.
Wisdom arts.
All the great learnings that develop a person's moral conscience, inner skills, capacity for discernment, to appreciate the arts, to refine themselves as a human being-- are gone. THese are the thinking arts. Technology is the money art. We've removed the thinking, refinement arts. We've replaced them with superstitious, evangelical crap-- ... racist, filled with fear. with superstars-- Palin, Limbaugh, Beck.
They have to have the courage to pierce through the bullies and take the consequences of bad media. Some of them have to be willing to go down in their career for the sake of the whole.
Always in the history of humanity there has been horribleness-- nightmares and waking up, nightmares and waking up.
People who have found 37:30
We have to find a higher way of looking at this or you're going to be consumed by the negativity. I have learned to see things through grace, because I have to.
At the end of the day... you can't reason with a crisis, a catastrophy or disease..
One of the reasons people don't heal is they try to reason... and people think that they are entitled to bad things not happening to them because they have been good people. That's an illusion. Bad things do happen to good people.
The way you get through is the many graces of the soul.. 41:00
the signature of grace is that it always takes you to a better place than you were before.
Grace is a mystical essence, a mystical expression or intervention of god---
Religion is nothing but the politics of god and it's just a costume party.
the difference between
psychic assassins and terrorists.
people she respect-- Obama, Dalai Lama, Dennis Kucinich,Â
Archetypes we should consider
the rebel-- the call to being a rebel has so many delicious faces. The rebel rebels against conventional thinking
There have to be new ways of seeing the world-- that are waiting, longing to be born-- our country was built by entreneurial rebels,
Political Wise mystics
Democracy is born out of bondage. Freedom require maintenance. If we are not careful, the cycle will come full circle and we will end up back in fascist bondage. We are very close.
a time an an era of very rude buy necessary awakening.
as a nation our sacred contract was one of becoming one of the most visionary nations ever born with a constitution crafted to protect the rights of the human spirit.
for activists: gotta be wise enough not to fall for republican tricks or for republican poison in the drinking water-- Beck, limbaugh, Palin
Have to do what they can in their neighborhoods to stay with the party that is not the republicans. They have got to do what they can to keep the non-fascist party in office.
awakening-- I think american new age spirituality is tremendously-- has a wishbone but not a backbone- as a result, contemporary spirituality is flooded with a lot of fairy tail stuff and is very superficial and is treated as more of a hobby, instead of the devotion from someone who knows that the spiritual life is not a hobby. working on being spiritually congruent.
What should I do with my life? Become a perfectly healthy you.
There is no greater accomplishment in life that to be a fully congruent self
I've never known a human being who has not gone to war in themselves, who has not felt that god has it in for them.
I've never seen anyone who has surrendered to God.... be that congruent person. Until a person actually gets that, you are the final battlefield.
at the end of the day, when I am screaming, screaming... like the civil war, the president was from the civil war, we were fighting for emancipation. This time we are fighting for our psychic emancipation. This is a momentous, archetypal return and the same ferocious venom is playing out in the congress and we can't lose the republic,
Size: 26,896,961 -- 1 hrs, 14 min, 42 sec