Broadcast 2/18/2010 at 9:38 AM EST (44 Listens, 31 Downloads, 364 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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 Wysham is a fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies. She is a content adviser to the
short film "The Story of Cap and Trade"
  Wysham said today: "As global average temperatures rise, there will
be more moisture in the atmosphere causing major storms such as the
record-breaking snowstorm that just brought Washington, D.C., to its
knees if not its senses. Some ignorant politicians interpret the record
snowfall as yet another reason to question the science of climate change
rather than take action on it." She just wrote the piece "Is Our
Democracy Becoming a Joke?"
Notes from the interview (numbers are the minutes into the interview)
We're seeing the death Knell of the fossil fuel industry-- there's going to be legislation to restrict sale of fossil fuel.
Climate deniers funded by fossil fuel industry--
cap and trade
how to respond to global warming deniers, when they point to snow
Seeing another bit of misinformation as a result of this recent snowstorm.
See more precipitation and evaporation of water-- what goes up must come down
200% increase in precipitation....3:00
Last decade has seen some of the warmest years on record. 2009 tied second warmest year on record.
Seeing blizzard and not seeing heat-wave killing people in Brazil.
CO2 acts like a blanket-- more heat getting trapped in the atmosphere.
Greenhouse, Global warming, Climate change...Climate disruption?
Who is interested in keeping the American people confused while the rest of the world has caught on?
It's because we have some of the most powerful corporations that are pushing an agenda
The science is very much settled.
There have been a few errors that deniers are grasping.
Rise in CO2 ....12:00
There is a human footprint in the chaos of global weather systems.
the emails deniers are referring to that they say proves the books are being cooked on global warming. She says emails were illegally hacked, scientists were discussing strategy on how to deal with denialists, somewhat tongue-in-cheek.
Why have we turned this into a witch hunt? What conspiracy could these scientists be engaged in? It's clearly beyond the pale, to imagine a conspiracy by scientists-- for what reason?.
This is about scientists trying to get the word out on.... 16:30
This is a consensus based approach.
I say we need for Frank Luntz type "language and talking points.-- George Lakoff has been on it a bit, at least in on a conference call.
Size: 14,485,632 -- 0 hrs, 40 min, 0 sec