Broadcast 4/16/2014 at 2:22 PM EDT (149 Listens, 75 Downloads, 2171 Itunes)
The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show Podcast
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David Swanson is an anti-war activist and journalist and author of War is A Lie, War No More-- a case for abolition numerous other books.
works for
Here's the article he recently wrote:
Article: Can We Really Blame Sociopaths?
Interview notes:
these are mostly my questions, and for this interview, I got so absorbed in the conversation, I barely wrote down any notes.
But sociopaths are so good at manipulating people and manipulating the system.
David: We've given up on the idea of removing people
David: It's such a difficult thing you're talking about and such an easy thing to abuse.
Rob: what do you think about humans being hunters and predators?
David: because we think of war, we think that war always existed--
Rob: CIvilization led to producing top-down controlling powers that
Elaine Scarey-- thermonuclear monarchy
Rob: WE need to be asking a lot more questions about the bad guys because the traditional peace movement has stopped working, especially under Obama.
David: to run for pubic office, you have to be a money grubber. And good people detest that kind of behavior, that kind of selling out of your soul. You have to behave as a pretty despicable person to run for office. It's a huge hurdle that weeds out most of the talented and moral individuals.
Rob: what do you see in the US that is working now?
David: state of CT working on transitioning from weapon industries to peace industries. Occupy, people's attitudes towards war, prevention of US attack of Syria-- congress members got more pushback than they did on the bank crisis.
Rob: And we know that Sy Hersh reports that even the military leaders pushed back because they knew that Syria didn't do it (Sarin)
David: and Sy Hersh didn't talk about how strongly the public opposed Obama's rush to invade syria--
Rob: I didn't see reports of that public influence anywhere.
Rob: the system goes to incredible lengths-- the msm-- to squelch the idea that the people can change things.
Rob: we really need to deal with how the system maintains the narrative that those in power belong there and things are not changeable.
David: I work with and we have a list of successes we've had.
David: cites examples from history of how protesters were effective.
David: If we had 3-4% of the people involved we could change anything
Rob: What projects are you working on now?
Rob: and I would argue that the idea of going to war is insane
David: Howard Zinn taught us that the biggest enemy we have is obedience-- we're engaged in a massive Milgram experiment.
Size: 29,746,992 -- 1 hrs, 1 min, 57 sec