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R.K.: Welcome to the Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show, WNJC 1360 Am out of Washington Township reaching Metro Philly and South Jersey. Online you can get it at iTunes looking for my name, Rob Kall, K-A-L-L, or at The show is sponsored by My guest tonight, coming back for the third, or fourth, or fifth time is Paul Craig Roberts.
He's had careers in scholarship and academia-- Stanford and Georgetown universities. He served in the Congressional Staff and as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. He has been a columnist for The Washington Times, The Wall Street Journal, Businessweek, the Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. His latest book is How America Was Lost; From 9/11 to the Police Welfare State. Welcome back, Paul.
PCR: Thanks, Rob.
R.K.: So I've got a whole long list of topics and questions I want to ask you. I wanted to start with Russia, the neocons, Europe, and the dollar. Throw them all in there and you can do what you want with it.
PCR: Oh, you mean you're just giving me a carte blanche to respond to those topics?
R.K.: Well, you know, I mean I am throwing them all together because there is word that Putin is taking serious actions to get rid of the dollar as a means for exchange for energy and Russia is one of the biggest suppliers of energy now. We know that the neocons were very involved in setting off what's been going on in the Ukraine and you have written about how Europe is ready to get totally screwed by the US, because they're acting like a lapdog to Obama. So, I'm just kind of setting you up so you can launch.
PCR: Okay. Well here goes the launch. Russia is looked at with a jaundiced eye by Washington because of the Brzezinski doctrine and the Wolfowitz doctrine. You know Brzezinski was the National Security Adviser for Jimmy Carter who ended up funding Bin Laden and Afghanistan in order to help the Afghans drive the Soviets out of that country and Wolfowitz has had a number of Pentagon appointments including the second man, the Pentagon, the Deputy Secretary of Defense. Now-
R.K.: And IMF, isn't he, or was he the head of the IMF?
PCR: He was appointed the president of the IMF, but there was a scandal about he put his live-in girlfriend on some huge salary and there was a scandal about it-
R.K.: I hadn't thought about it but, really, if you're going to get somebody like him who wants to screw the world monetarily, might as well, it's not surprising to see that he is getting someone who he is screwing to help him to screw the rest of the world.
PCR: Yeah. So he didn't last long in the job, but his doctrine is very long-lived and it's-
R.K.: What is it?
PCR: Well, I am going to tell you. First, I'll tell you about Brzezinski because he came first. Brzezinski. His view, once the Soviet Union collapsed, was the United States should prevent reconstitution of Russia that would give it the same sort of power the Soviet Union had because at the moment with the collapse in the Soviet Union there was no barrier to America exercising its will all over the world; that the United States could call all the shots and so the world would be better off if we were calling the shots than if there were some shots we couldn't call because there were other global powers.
And so Brzezinski said that one way to prevent Russia from becoming, you know, gathering itself up again and in the new format being a powerful state was, for the United States to control the Eurasian landmass. And of course this whole thing was used by later Washington regimes to break all the agreements that Reagan had made with Gorbachev, to take NATO right up to Russia's border by putting Eastern Europe and the Baltics into it and then later by expanding Washington's control even into former constituent parts of Russia itself, like Georgia, the birthplace of Joseph Stalin, and Ukraine, which had been part of Russia for centuries. So, the notion was that the Russian Federation would be busted up into smaller pieces as sort of semi-autonomous and this would prevent Russia from controlling enough peoples and land mass and resources to be able to block any American initiative action. That's Brzezinski.
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