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13 Things You Can Do to Support: Occupy Wall Street

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Chaz Valenza
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Eviction Notice Served on Occupy Wall Street - New Action

Call and email these people at Brookfield Properties and politely request that the allow the use of the Zuccotti Park for peaceful demonstations:

Ric Clark - CEO


Melissa Coley

Vice President, Investor Relations & Communications

Brookfield Office Properties

Tel: 212-417-7215

Email: melissa.Email address removed

Bryan Davis

Chief Financial Officer

Phone: 212-417-7166

E-mail: bryan.Email address removed

Throw a Nationwide Credit Card Cutting Party

Occupy Wall Street mail drop for donations has been established:  UPS Store 118 A #205 New York, NY 10038 - RE: OCCUPY WALL STREET

These patriot occupiers are fighting for 99% percent of us.   Those who are unemployed, uninsured, under employed and totally insecure in the face of ever increasing social and financial inequities.   They are standing up for those who cannot be there right now.

Believe me when I tell you nobody, but nobody knows this is going on!

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Chaz Valenza is writer and small business owner in New Jersey. He earned his MBA from New York University's Stern School of Business. His current feature film project is "Single Point Failure" an insider's account of how the Reagan Administration (more...)
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