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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 8/3/08

"Commulism Series" - Part 9: "Fusion Warfare" in a "Fission Threat" Environment

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Message Brock Novak

Part 5: http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_brock_no_080202__22commulism_series_22__.htm provided an analysis and assesment of the fifth and final Commulism Pillar – Strategic Partnerships (and Polarities). 

Part 6: http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_brock_no_080205__22commulism_series_22__.htm moved into the action plan, the  “What to Do” about each Pillar - The Commulism Response Framework (CRF). Also known as the Counter-Commulism Framework. It led with “U.S./WEAST Awareness”, followed by the first (of three) part of the Economic Pillar - Counters.  

Part 7 :http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_brock_no_080207__22commulism_series_22__.htm addressed the second (of 3) part of the Economic Pillar (part of the Commulism Response Framework), titled the Commulism Impact Factors - Bernanke Strategy, Oil, Gold and Rate Cuts. This is Section B of the Economic Pillar.

Part 8: http//www.opednews/articles/opednew brock no 080211 22commulism series 22 .htm is the third of the 3 part Economic Pillar section (part of the Commulism Response Framework), and addresses the Trade Imbalance, Counter-Leveraging and Economic Sovereignty components.

Recall the Commulism Response Framework (CRF) Objective:

The CRF is built upon the premise that if any or all of the 5 Commulism Pillars can be removed or substantively weakened, Commulism will stifle and/or be thwarted. Here then is a baseline plan for the White House/DOD/State Department to enact and build upon to “attack each of the 5 Commulism Pillars” to make that happen.  

------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                        Part 9                             

                                       Military and Social Order Pillars 

 MILITARY (Pillar) et al - “Fusion Warfare’ in a “Fission Threat” Environment  

Objective:  Re-Define the global “Engagement and Battlefield Environment” to what the Analyst will coin “FUSION Warfare” in a “FISSION Threat Environment”. 

A) STRATEGIC and TACTICAL Execution Plans  


Fusion Warfare: Adopt and implement (in close consult, coordination and integration with WEAST) what the Analyst will coin “Fusion Warfare” as the new 21st century “integrated and amalgamated” (i.e. fused) military-centric (Conventional, Irregular, and Asymmetric), economic and political “global battlefield engagement” concept. It fuses together, not by formal hard-line structure, but rather dotted line accountable flexibility, the military services, key government services, and the decision making “enabling doctrine” to make it all work (see OODA Loop below). 

In effect, military conflict going forward will comprise not only military assets, but many other components which now must be factored and integrated in as well. In fact, “Fusion Warfare” and the collective resources supporting it, seeks to prevent military conflict, but remains fully prepared at the ready to do so “in the aggregate”, if need be, regardless of the threat.  

It’s important to note that technological superiority, which many believe the end all in successful defense, is anything but. Without the efficient melding, fusing and employment of the assets/structures/organizations/decision making behind it, there will not be success in defeating an increasingly more diverse, agile and intellectually (i.e. rapid learning) stimulated threat environment.

Meaning 7th Generation Warfare (7GW) preparation and readiness. 

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