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Life Arts    H4'ed 9/28/09

Aries Full Moon 2009: The Harvest Moon

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For this Full Moon, Saturn, Mercury and Venus (Libra's ruler) are all in Virgo. We are still trying to figure out who we really are and how we can be of service to the world. Mercury turns to direct motion on September 29, a few days before the full Moon. The messenger god now has to integrate what he's learned during the past three weeks, and we won't have the message clear until Mercury returns to where it began its journey on October 14.

But just after the Full Moon on October 4, Mercury sextiles Mars in Cancer, Mars trines Uranus in Pisces, and Mercury opposes Uranus. Mercury, the mind, needs to listen to what Uranus, inspiration, tells him about new options that will help us get our needs met (Mars). So ask for a dream, vision or insight on the Full Moon that will quicken that integration. If you felt the new birth at the Cancer solar eclipse on July 21, then this weekend could bring you the information you need to nurture that new life.

Venus in Virgo urges us to stay virginal, the state of belonging to oneself, the state of wholeness. In Virgo, Venus represents Isis, the great goddess of magic, healing, fertility and integration. She separates the wheat from the chaff. She knows what is needed to sustain life. Venus aspects all the outer planets soon after this full Moon, using her ability to connect to open us to the big energies that signal the changes taking place in our civilization.

On October 4, Venus and Jupiter meet up in a quirky quincunx, offering us the opportunity to gain perspective on society, self-worth and our ability to give and receive love. On October 9, Venus opposes Uranus and makes a quirky quincunx to Neptune. The opposition can bring relationship surprises as well as helping us integrate the new Uranian vision that's breaking through our old limited perspective. The Venus-Neptune quincunx urges us to bring our ideals into reality instead of deluding ourselves with our old fantasies. As Baba Ram Dass said, Be Here Now. Venus joins Saturn on October 13, forcing us to see the reality of our situation, and she squares Pluto again on October 15 for the 4th time this year once she's back in Libra, shedding old relationship neediness.

As you can see, Venus is quite a busy Lady this month, but since she belongs to herself, her lovers end up giving her what she needs. And what she gives to us is a sure sense of self-worth, a clear picture of what our society needs to transform itself, and the power to do it, especially through the arts and through personal relationships.

Ladies, this is your chance to show your wisdom to the world. Men, this is your chance to stop being afraid of your feelings and intuitions à ‚¬" and women's power à ‚¬" and trust the wisdom of Love and transformation.

Jupiter turns direct on October 12-13, opening the way for any personal and community projects and visions to take their next step. The Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron conjunction in Aquarius is still offering us inspiration and a new vision for the world. The U.N. finally agreed that it's time to get rid of nuclear weapons, which is a good start.

One outcome of this major Aquarian conjunction is the publication of C.G. Jung's famous (at least to Jungians!) Red Book. (Read the New York Times article on Jung's Red Book). When Jung was about 38 à ‚¬" the time of the midlife crisis à ‚¬" he began a journey into the unconscious which later gave rise to all his major theories about the human psyche. He recorded this inner journey in a red notebook, which his heirs have kept secret until now. The visions and voices he experienced and wrote about are very much like a shamanic initiation into the workings of the human soul and the beautiful pictures he painted are brilliantly colored and detailed illustrations of those visions.

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Cathy Pagano is a spiritual advisor and Jungian psychotherapist, storyteller, author and teacher. She is the author of a book on the return of the Goddess, "Wisdom's Daughters: How Women Can Change the World". Cathy trained at the C. (more...)

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