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Capricorn Full Moon Eclipse 2009

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Cancer is the sign where our souls incarnate, where we become 'Self' conscious.  In Aries, we begin by learning mental control; in Taurus, we see the spiritual light that shines in Nature and in our human nature; in Gemini, we see that we are dual-natured - both human and divine - and we seek to understand life.  Now in Cancer we nurture our emotional body and listen to our instincts and intuition, understanding that we are, indeed, unique. We are LIFE!  This is the time to nurture that unique bit of Life, so that when we come to Leo, we will have the self-confidence to Create.  As we see cultural icons pass over into death, what they can give us is this wisdom:  Life is meant to be lived fully and without fear or restraint.  Life is a blessing.  So nurture your life - not just your work!

This full Moon eclipse has the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn.  A full Moon brings us awareness - awareness of how well we are manifesting the seed we planted on new Moon.  Since Cancer is 'ruled' by the Moon, this is an especially significant full moon, aside from the eclipse.  Cancer, like the Moon, creates form.  Capricorn Moon urges us to take responsibility for the form we are living in, as well as the forms we create to make us secure and safe.  This eclipse tells us to get rid of any form that no longer serves our life purpose.

At this Capricorn lunar eclipse, the light of the Cancer Sun is blocked from the Capricorn 'form' by the Earth's shadow.  We get a chance to feel what kind of nurturing we need without the old behavior patterns that our society has created for us. Those patriarchal patterns have twisted our emotional lives.  It isn't only women who have been repressed for thousands of years.  It is the feminine values of life that have really been disrespected.  And while women have had to learn the masculine aspects of life, men haven't had to learn the feminine ones.  And so our men are suffering.  For the most part, they don't know how to access their feminine soul as easily as women do, and so they don't know how to use their emotional intelligence or their intuition without it being twisted to the patriarchy's service.  The Cancer 'mother' of the patriarchy has not been free to nurture our lives in appropriate ways.  For too long, Mother had no sovereignty and had to play by the rules.  But as we leave the old Capricorn paradigm (patriarchy) behind, our innate feeling life will begin to flourish.

Cancer and Capricorn form the 'parental' axis in astrology, Cancer representing the Mother and Capricorn the Father.  So take time to be thankful not only for your parents, but for anyone in your life who has nurtured you, protected you, shown you the way or loved you.  And thank yourself for having the compassion, creativity, responsibility and endurance to keep going in hard times. 

At this eclipse, we might also see old patterns that have been played out in our shadow.  A wounded Cancer inner child is never satisfied - there's never enough nurturing.  Or our repressed emotions might suddenly erupt and we're finally forced to confront our 'issues'.  Or our Capricorn responsibility might be seen as the power-tripping it really is. Or we'll be able to clearly see the irresponsibility that is rampant in our government and our corporate life.  This full Moon eclipse can end Capricorn's 'blame, shame and guilt' and Cancer's 'sensitivity and self-indulgence' and we might find that we can be healed if 'we let go and let God/dess'.  Become your true and authentic Self and you'll begin to manifest your life purpose. Trust in your new vision.

That vision has been sparked by the ongoing Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron conjunction in Aquarius.  All three planets are now moving retrograde, so the inspiring visions of new possibilities are sinking deep within us all.  You might find yourself more sensitive to the suffering in the world, more open to Spirit, more compassionate with yourself and others.  GOOD!  It's about time we reclaimed these spiritual aspects of life.  Now we have to incorporate them in our own lives so we can make them part of our collective life - not in service to one religion, but in the spirituality that is shared by all religions.  The great minds and hearts who nurtured our Western civilization were Idealists who believed that the spiritual aspects of life permeated all of life.  The scientific community, just as much as the great religions, will have to expand its vision of the world.  Spirit and matter are really one and the same thing. 

With Mars and Venus still squaring this Aquarian conjunction, we must personally activate this shift in awareness that is taking place on a global level.  Venus and Mars deal with our intimate desires and relationships, and with this square, will confront us with the need to incarnate this idealism in our lives, to benefit our family, our friends, and our community.

This Capricorn full Moon can show us where we still live in fear and where we need the nurturing love and self-acceptance that everyone deserves.  Mother yourself with love.  Father yourself with protection.  Set new goals that are aligned with your truest longings and deepest Self.   It is always darkest before the Dawn.  Remember that we are living in that transitional time and have hope.

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Cathy Pagano is a spiritual advisor and Jungian psychotherapist, storyteller, author and teacher. She is the author of a book on the return of the Goddess, "Wisdom's Daughters: How Women Can Change the World". Cathy trained at the C. (more...)

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