The Democratic congress does more of the same. They use good cop bad cop games to pretend that there are some good legislators, but the way the progressive caucus folded in the face of pressure from Obama showed us that we the people are not represented in congress. We the people do not have anyone fighting for us.
When democracy fails, when it is sabotaged by a supreme court that is the most aggressive at changing the rules in recent history, when elected officials are owned and operated by lobbyists and big corporations, it is time for a revolution. The tea partiers (don't call them tea-baggers-- they're fighting back just as progressives should be doing.) are on the right track. It is time for progressives to stand up resolutely and say no more. Dodd read the writing on the wall and realized he'd sold out his constituents so badly they wouldn't re-elect him again. Barney Frank should receive the same treatment from the constituents he's stabbed in the back and betrayed.
A good place to start is withe the disaster in Afghanistan. The war there is immoral and insane. It is bleeding American dry finanancially. I'm telling my congressman that I won't vote for him if he supports any more funding legislation that does not include a firm withdrawal schedule.
It is time for more action than any seen since the sixties. It is time for us to rise up and speak out. It is time for us to throw out ALL the legislators who have sold us out. The tea partiers are going for purer ideological candidates. We on the left need to do the same. We need to stop supporting bluedogs and even "progressives" who fold when it really matters. It is time. We are facing a world that I don't want my children to live in.
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