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OpEdNews Op Eds    H4'ed 10/22/11

Occupy Asheville -- 2Nd Week Update -- 10/18/11

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Message Michael Morgan
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There were some serious differences of opinion on how the negotiations with the City Staff were conducted.   Some people thought that it was improperly done because some of the conversations that the legal team held as part of the discussion with the City were held in private settings.   Some people thought that we wimped out by accepting the parking lot under the bridge as a base camp, thinking that we should have held firm and demanded that we be allowed to occupy Pritchard Park, which is right across the street from the front door of Bank of America & beside Wells Fargo.


I feel that subject should be a non-issue.   We already legally occupy Pritchard Park from 8 am until 10 pm anyway.   Also, there is no shelter from precipitation there.   And most importantly, why provoke a fight with the City Staff, who are already on our side because they realize that they are also part of the 99%?


As for the negotiations, I feel that one must speak to the necessary officials wherever & whenever one can gain access to them.   In my experience, busy executive type people don't usually come to you, you have to go to them.


Let me be clear.  We were successful, in spite of any ill will & divisiveness that may have occurred in the process.   We are learning.  We are strong.  We are intelligent.  We are determined.  We are durable.  We are proving it daily.  We are the 99% and we will overcome!


It is my sincere wish that more of our Native American brethren would come join us in our General Assembly.  We could use your wisdom & experience.  I, personally, would like for the rest of the General Assembly to see & experience the Native American viewpoint as I have experienced it.  I would like for the citizens of Asheville to meet the kind, loving spirits who live among the Native People.  The People in the Occupy Asheville General Assembly love the Native Americans.  We acknowledge that great wrongs have been done to the Native Peoples.  We are extremely sorry about the past.  We are determined to make a place for you in this Occupy movement, if you would be so kind and gracious as to join us after all the wrongs we have done to the Native Peoples.


In summary, Occupy Asheville is growing steadily both in numbers in the streets and in numbers behind the scenes.  The sleeping American populace is starting to wake up and notice that something is going on.  You can bet that the 1% is taking notice too.  I expect more opposition to come, in diverse ways.  That is why I shared the experience that our group is having with dissident opinions.  You can be prepared for similar situations in your area.


Watch for next week's update.  Until then  - -  Occupy on!  We are the 99%!


Michael Morgan


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