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Occupy Wall Street - Day Three: 8 confirmed arrests

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Chaz Valenza
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Arrested for jumping police barrier, photographer/witness denial: 1

Arrested for chalking sidewalk: 1

Arrested for attempting to enter BofA branch: 2

Arrested for wearing masks: 4

Reuters: Police say most arrest are for wearing masks.  Wall Street executive claims he's not really paying attention: " The truth is I was only half paying attention to what they were saying," said Ken Polcari, managing director of ICAP Equities.   "It just seemed like it was people walking around with nasty signs up talking about the financial community, about Wall Street being the devil and all that."

Tweeter Intelligence: Crowd in Liberty Park, Liberty Street @ South Broadway will grow after 5:00 work dismissal.

Goldman Sachs Tweets:  A#1 (on protesters): I was going to make a sign... Goldman Sachs: Win, cheat, or quit. We don't f*cking lose - ever. A#2 (laughs): Or... 'Get rich and buy your own sh*t. Protests and riots are for pussies. 

Prensa Latina - Madrid, Spain, 9/19/11:  The Catalan police on Monday evicted about 50 people who blocked the access to the Barcelona Stock Exchange, in solidarity with the indignant ones in Wall Street.

UK Guardian put Saturday's Occupy Wall Street crowd at 5,000.  

Monday, September 19, 2011:  The police actions are obviously intended to put the scare into people and discourage others from participating in the event.  

 I knew nothing about Occupy Wall Street, hadn't heard a word about it up until about a week ago.   Did you?

The connection between money and politics is the issue I write about!   This is the issue I read every book and blog I can get my eyes on!   How did I miss this?

My point is none of us knew.  That is unless you were not part a tiny core of people at Annonoymous, Adbusters, Culture Jammers or hung out on the right night in Tompkins Square Park in NYC.

Occupy Wall Street is not ASTROTURF organizing, it is not even GRASSROOTS organizing, what you're seeing on this live feed Â- OCCUPY WALL STREET LIVE STREAM Â- is what's left after about 3,000 GRASS SEEDS gathered on Bowling Green this past Saturday.  

It's just a core of about 500 people who have camped in Zoccotti Party at Liberty Street and South Broadway, under the shadow of the erection of the Ground Zero Freedom Tower.   Could this fizzle?   Absolutely.   Is it inevitable at this point?   Absolutely NOT!

More people, many more, know about the October Event in Washington D.C.   I say, so what? (Sorry, Rob Kall.)  All that's going to happen in D.C. is already conjoined at the hip to the money that the Democrats must raise from Wall Street.   You may go.   It may feel good but it will have no lasting significance.

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Chaz Valenza is writer and small business owner in New Jersey. He earned his MBA from New York University's Stern School of Business. His current feature film project is "Single Point Failure" an insider's account of how the Reagan Administration (more...)
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