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Pisces Full Moon, September 15, 2008

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We are once again engaging in the struggle between the old ways and the new that began in the '60s. With John McCain and Barak Obama vividly representing the two opposing energies, the cosmos is letting us know that this isn't just a political fight between the red states and the blue states. This is a cosmic demand to recognize that the old must make way for the new, but the new must also recognize and value the important things that need to be conserved from the old ways.

Saturn is the Reality principle, the Guardian at the Gate, the energy of responsibility as well as crystallization and frustration. Saturn in Virgo can discriminate what is worth keeping and what must be let go of as we begin the second decade of the 21st Century. Virgo rules the environment, the health industry as well as our personal health, work, small animals, research, craftsmanship, mentors and body-oriented practices such as yoga and tai chi. What do we need that will enhance these aspects of life? These are the things we must conserve.

Uranus is called the Awakener, the Revolutionary, the Liberator. Uranus is a wild card energy which turns everything upside down. So expect the unexpected. Uranus in Pisces is ripping the veils from our collective eyes and showing us the falsehood and hypocrisy of our leaders and corporate structures, the addictions we have to oil as well as intoxicants, the secret sorrows and not so secret sufferings of the poor and powerless. It is also opening our eyes to other dimensions of spirit, giving ordinary people visions and intuitive understanding. The great power of the Feminine is arising once more – not just for outer equality between women and men, but as an inner awakening of the feminine gifts of intuition, feeling and empathy.

Bring these images into your own life and see how you can find a way to balance the trust and hope that your dreams and visions give you with the discipline and discernment of your practical reality. It comes down to linking your head with your heart. Trust your heart to know what you need. Then use your head to get it. The rulers of Pisces (Neptune) and Virgo (Mercury) are trining each other, so they are helping us achieve this blending of head and heart.

Since Pluto squares this full Moon, and since it just turned direct on September 8th, it anchors this opposition, drawing its energy and intensifying its need to let go of whatever beliefs (Sagittarius) hold us back from CHANGE. Whether you vote for Obama or not, he got the cosmic message. Change or be forced to change. The more we resist the change, the harder will be our fall.

Pluto is now on his way out of the sign of Sagittarius, where he took up residence in 1995. By the end of this year, he will take up residence in Capricorn, where this transformative energy will get to work on our government, corporate and cultural structures. Hopefully, the planet's stay in Sagittarius has transformed our religious systems as well as our beliefs about ourself and our world. We have some hard work ahead of us if we're going to heal the toxic poisons our corporations have poured into the environment, repair our climate and finally establish the country that our founders set out to establish – one that is NOT run by corporate manipulations but an America which is finally governed BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE.

The Sabian Symbol for the Sun at 23 Virgo: A lion tamer displays his skill and character. This image could also be the Tarot card Strength, the ability to tame our instincts to fulfill our destiny.

The Sabian Symbol for the Moon at 23 Pisces: A materializing medium giving a séance. This image speaks to our ability to manifest our dreams and our life's purpose.

Other aspects:

There is a grand Earth trine between Saturn in Virgo, Jupiter in Capricorn and the asteroid Vesta in Taurus. This energy pattern helps us to manifest our talents if we work hard because the collective needs those talents.

Venus, Mercury and Mars in Libra are all traveling together and adding a sense of balance and harmony to this process of integration. This group of planets says that if you and your purpose has worth for the collective, you will be accepted and valued.

September 11th – Venus and Mars conjunction at 16 Libra. "After a storm a boat landing stands in need of reconstruction." This symbol, coming as it does on 9/11, speaks to the need for each of us to find ways to keep the channels open between the Unconscious and our Ego-awareness. We have to remember, 'We won't be fooled again!" The only way for each of us to KNOW the truth of what we are seeing and experiencing in the world is to have an open channel to our own inner wisdom. My advice: pay attention to your dreams!

September 14th – Mercury conjunct Venus. A good day for group protest! Or at least, speak your mind about your vision of the world.

September 20th – Sun square Pluto. This is when we really reach the crossroads of the year – let go of what we don't need so what we do retain has a chance to grow strong. At 20 degrees of Virgo and Sagittarius, this crossroads indicates that we need to winnow out the wheat from the chaff, and get rid of any remaining limiting beliefs that keep us in fear.

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Cathy Pagano is a spiritual advisor and Jungian psychotherapist, storyteller, author and teacher. She is the author of a book on the return of the Goddess, "Wisdom's Daughters: How Women Can Change the World". Cathy trained at the C. (more...)

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