The Pisces/Virgo Full Moon forms a Grand Square with the Lunar Nodes in Sagittarius/Gemini. This is a turning point in our quest for Sagittarian TRUTH. This is especially magical so near the 10th anniversary of 911. The Gemini facts are available. You need only watch the videos of the President when he heard the news -- look in his eyes. What kind of message are they broadcasting? Eyes are the windows of the soul. What is happening in that president's soul? Not only are the facts out there, your own inner guidance will tell you what you need to hear. It is up to each of us to integrate our human understanding of our world, our spiritual vision of what's possible and the deep hope of finding our purpose in life. It's not about condemning as much as it's about purpose. We each need a "fire without a spark' -- we need something to inspire us to greatness.
The Moon in Virgo, so abundantly full of the harvest of the year, is also in a nice sextile to Mars in Cancer, helping us figure out how to prioritize our desires for peace, family and emotional nurturing. When we look at this truth we have to decide which things support and sustain us in life. When people find ways to do things differently we can change our society. We just need to band together -- watch for it coming soon. But we each have to have a good sense of ourselves so we don't get lost in "mob' psychology. That's why we have to know what we want and what we don't want.
Saturn in Libra is joined by the asteroid Juno, which represents our ability to be in relationship. These two energies want us to learn the power of real partnership, the ability to be fair and balanced in truth, the need for social justice and personal accountability. This is how we can learn to work as a group. These two energies support this full Moon, so watch how you relate to others at this time. Saturn returns to 17*14' Libra on September 19th, the degree it went retrograde at on January 25. How much fairness and justice have you brought into the world since then? Perhaps we'll see some movement in Egypt that re-ignites the revolutionary energies of peace and equality that the world saw last January.
Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn made a grand trine (a powerful energy for expression) with the Virgo New Moon a few weeks ago. Now these two planets form a similar grand trine with Mercury, which is back in Virgo at the same degree as the new Moon. Mercury, which went retrograde at 2*Virgo back on August 2 and went direct at 19* Leo on August 26, goes back into Virgo on September 8-9, finishing off the Mercury retrograde cycle by returning to 2*Virgo on September 10, right before this Full Moon. If we know (the purpose of Mercury's retrograde this time) what we want to build, we can use this visionary energy on creating it in the Imaginal World first (Pisces Moon) while finding ways to build it (Virgo). If you build it, they will come - if it is your real purpose and not the old patriarchy's purpose.
Pluto goes retrograde a few days after this full Moon on September 16th. The planet of evolution, of death and rebirth is especially strong this full Moon since it is slowing down to turn around. It gives us the energy of transformation that we've been cultivating since it went retrograde on April 8th. What changes have you implemented in your life? How are they working out now?
The Sabian Symbol for 5*Capricorn is: At a Native American camp, a fierce wardance begins. This is a symbol of how groups get together to "fire up' our emotional body to participate in some collective action. We have to remain true to ourselves and not get lost in mob psychology. The question then is, how do we share energy without being overwhelmed by it? The answer is by being grounded in our own being.
Do you know what you want to do yet? If not, keep digging. As we change our thoughts about LIFE and our life in particular, we can change reality. We have so many opportunities awaiting us if we can just let go of the ideas and beliefs that disempower us. I call those beliefs "patriarchal' because they are the "father's' rules that have shaped us thus far. But they aren't the truth, especially because the patriarchy does not value the feminine aspects of life, which serve life at the deepest levels. As we throw off the chains of patriarchal thinking and belief, we discover a whole new realm of possibilities.
So Free Your Minds! as we said in the 60s! Imagine!
The Sabian Symbol for the Sun at 20*Virgo is: A Caravan of cars to the West Coast -- arranged from the most antique to the most modern. This caravan emphasizes the idea that we are all heading to a new frontier. We have to understand where we've come from so we can chose how we want to get to the future. Do we go back and use the "old cars' which were only prototypes and which are definitely gas-guzzlers or do we create a new model for moving into the future? Our personal future as well as our collective future.
The Sabian Symbol for the Moon at 20*Pisces is: In the quiet of evening, the farmer's supper awaits him. There is a feeling of deep experience and quiet reflection that I get with this image. There is nourishment in completing our tasks and understanding the meaning of what has gone before. One thing is promised -- our needs will be met. Our supper awaits us if we've done the work -- we will have our needs met.
The world is moving faster and everyone seems to feel that time grows short. Change is really in the air this time. How will you take part in these transformative times? If you need help, don't forget to ask for it because any type of partnership (Saturn in Libra) can be transformative now if you work on yourself. We all need another person who can help us reflect on ourselves and our truths. Good luck on the journey!
Blessed Be,
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