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The necessity and possibility of corporate reform: Part 2. Reform strategies

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Who ought to start instigating?


This is a pivotal question. If NGOs and various and sundry movements could be caught in a moment of unguarded candor I think they would admit that their impact on either government reforms and/or corporate reforms has been essentially negligible. Government is as corrupt as ever. Corrupt industries and their corporations are still as corrupt as ever. Here is my list of answers:


A large cadre of NGO strike forces. They don't exist yet, just like my proposed U.S. Chamber of Democracy doesn't exist yet. While I haven't given up on the prospect of the latter, I am going to modify my overtures to the many remaining NGOs yet to be contacted and suggest to them either supporting an umbrella network like a USCD or a scaled-down alternative of dividing up the industries and their corporations and for each creating a cadre of NGO strike forces.   


The Democracy Coalition. It doesn't exist yet either. In my website, www.uschamberofdemocracy.com I identified 27 segments of the populace that have or should have grievances against the corpocracy. Most of them have yet to coalesce into their own movements but a few have. Labor, for example, is one of them, yet it remains to be seen just how far the unions reach out to other groups. I have gotten no replies to my overtures to the heads of the major unions.


You. Readers of OpEdNews.com ought to become instigators. You may already be one. If you are, can you do more? John Perkins ended his article on the vicious circle of military aggression in the March 21, 2012 issue of OpEdNews.com by exhorting readers to "Take at least one action for peace every single day." I wrote him immediately that he should do more given his visibility (I had written in 2006 a published review of his book "Confessions of an economic hit man" that had given him instant publicity).


You could champion the idea of the USCD and The Democracy Coalition. You could write particular NGOs and tell them to be less dependent for their existence on the continued existence of the corpocracy. If you donate money to any of them tell them you are not getting your money's worth. And as you read the rest of this article think of additional ways you could get more involved.


The scoundrels themselves? Don't laugh. It's not out of the question. I will return to it shortly.


How not to start instigating: Three stories of mice at the table with hungry cats


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Retired organizational psychologist.

Author of "911!", The Devil's Marriage: Break Up the Corpocracy or Leave Democracy in the Lur ch; America's Oldest Professions: Warring and Spying; and Corporate Reckoning Ahead.

I may be (more...)
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