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The necessity and possibility of corporate reform: Part 2. Reform strategies

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Once a cadre was ready it would begin confronting its target corporations/allies, escalating the confrontation to a more aggressive stage if the corporation's response in the previous step was unsatisfactory.


4. In the initial confrontation, regardless of whether the corporation/ally had been a target before, a certified letter would be sent to the corporation's CEO and chair of the board of directors with a copy to any allies.  


Letters to corporations that have already been confronted by activists would reflect that fact. The letters would also a) present an assessment of each corporation's profile of   wrongdoing along with a request for a self-assessment to be made such as completing the questionnaire developed by Jamie Court that I cited in the introductory article, b) make the case for why the corporation should reject the corpocracy and undertake self-reforms such as what I suggested in my newest book, The corporacy and Megaliio's turn up strategy, c) advise the corporation to repair major harms its actions have caused, and d) advise the corporation to resolve whatever longstanding or current issues have already been raised by activist groups. The notice would close by requesting a response within one month and saying the response would influence the cadre's next steps.


5. Complying corporations, if there are any, would be closely monitored and issued progress reports until and if it was cleared by the cadre. Recalcitrant corporations would be hit by a barrage of escalating confrontations that would include massive boycotts, massive protest demonstrations, lawsuits, blitzing the public with publicity, and telling the obsequious, relevant government agencies to get on board pronto with the reformers, not their targets.     


Is corporate self-reform realistically possible?


My answer is "yes" if corporations are aggressively confronted; if they are shown models of properly organized and run corporations, along with any real exemplary corporations; and if the monitoring and pressure never ease or cease until there is the right kind of self reform.


The special case of the death merchants


I will close with this sobering thought and challenge. If the death merchants and their government pawns aren't stopped they will eventually be the death of America. This part of the corpocracy is the one part where it will be absolutely imperative to organize and unleash genuine two-fisted democracy power that wages a (civil) war on war. Otherwise, do you want your descendents one or more generations removed witnessing America's funeral?


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Retired organizational psychologist.

Author of "911!", The Devil's Marriage: Break Up the Corpocracy or Leave Democracy in the Lur ch; America's Oldest Professions: Warring and Spying; and Corporate Reckoning Ahead.

I may be (more...)
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