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Europe for 9/11 Truth Evening at the European Parliament !

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Bill Douglas
Message Bill Douglas

We've seen cointelpro hack and so-called "Skeptics Magazine" editor, Shermer, who is absolutely not skeptical at all when it comes to believing everything one of the most dishonest administrations in American history has fed him, challenged by people demanding 9/11 truth.

And now the European Parliament is holding a 9/11 truth presentation . . . but US corporate media continues to sit on all of this.

How long can their dam hold?

What can we do about this censorship around 9/11 ?

"The Shell Game" by best selling author Steve Alten hit #31 on the New York Times Best Seller list two weeks ago.  This explosive novel is about false flag terror perpetrated by our government to fool Americans into illegal oil wars.  Sound familiar?

This author is urging listeners when he appears on media to realize that the 9/11 truth movement activists are heroes they should all be supporting.

Together, we can spread the word on this explosive new book, using resources at www.TheShellGame.net and drive it to #1.

By doing so, we guarantee it will appear in supermarkets, Target stores, gas stations, etc. etc. exposing possibly millions of Americans to information including REAL 9/11 truth research within the book, as well as most major 9/11 truth websites at www.TheShellGame.net

Spread this POWERFUL 911 truth trailer throughout the internet, and help do your part to spread 9/11 truth to a mass mainstream public, as this author appears on media and demands a new 9/11 investigation.

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By William E. Douglas, Jr., who is author of "The Amateur Parent -- A Book on Life, Death, War & Peace, and Everything Else in the Universe." Bill has been a guest columnist for the Kansas City Star, The Business Journal, and other media worldwide. (more...)
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