Bill Maher has been the white shining knight for the anti-war movement for years now, when he was canned from network TV, and eventually found a place on HBO. He's weekly insulted viciously those on the right who disagreed with him. I personally actually was a fan of Bill's standup long before, back when he was the fashion photographer on an episode of Roseanne.
About a year ago, a right wing pundit was on Real Time, and made a statement that actually resonated with me. I remember it so well, because I rarely agree with right wing pundits. He made the point that when Bill Maher caustically insults those who have a spiritual faith, and makes fun of all people living in the heartland of America . . . he drives people away from opening their minds to the issues he purports to care about.
This got the wheels turning back to the 60's and early 70's when it was discovered that the FBI had planted hippy-looking undercover agents to kick the cops in the shins, and urge otherwise peaceful normal protesters to violent actions. The goal – to discredit the anti-war movement by turning Americans against the protesters.
William Colby, a former Director of the CIA once revealed, "The Central
Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media."
Remember, before you roll your eyes and think "conspiracy theory," that it was
a former Director of the CIA who said that, not a mumbling homeless person.
That would like make his statement a FACT, rather than a theory. On this
week's "Real Time," when 9/11 truth activists stood up to shout questions about
the mysterious collapse of World Trade Center 7 on 9/11, Bill Maher had an
emotional meltdown and a Gestapo-moment, when he urged his security to
"kick their ass," including kicking the ass of a woman who stood and said that
Maher's action against a man who was only asking questions was cowardice. In
fact, Maher seemed to want to physically participate in kicking the woman's
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