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"Innocent" Lebanese, Americans, and UN Observers? Bah! Humbug!

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Listen to this, all Jew-bashers: It is an open "secret" that Israel possesses nuclear weapons. Given the Israelis' brilliant technology, it is virtually certain that some of that artillery consists of tactical nuclear weapons: that is, nuclear weapons which can be used in such a way as to destroy nearby populations while, with preventive measures at home, protecting Israelis from the fallout. As the situation stands now, the Israelis are determined not to resort to that final means of wiping out enemies bent on destroying Israel and Jews everywhere. There is an ongoing danger, however, that seeing the possible destruction by Israel of what actually amounts to their own militia while they pretend to have nothing to do with it, Syria and Iran will send their recognized forces into Lebanon to fight and perhaps launch their own missiles into Israel. If Israel feels overwhelmed, this time the Jews there are not going to wait for another holocaust to occur. They are going to settle matters by firing nuclear bombs into Syria and Iran. Do you want to see the conflagration that occurs then, a conflagration that makes World War II look like a minor military excursion?

Wake up, everybody. Instead of bashing Israel, the only democratic nation amid a region of secular or religious dictatorships based on one variation or another of totalitarianism, we Americans had better join Israel in wiping out Hamas, Hezbollah, the Jihadists, and all other genocidal maniacs who are the real Nazis of our era. For it is those genocidal maniacs who are directly responsible for the slaughter and destruction that is happening in the Near East (not the Mideast), while those who are at least indirectly responsible for it include the U.S. Government, the British Government, the United Nations, Syria, Iran, the lunatic clerics who fashion the various forms of Islam, the opulent Lebanese, and the 25,000 Americans who were living in luxury in Lebanon. You could add others to that list. But no matter who or what you include on your list, there is one entity and one category of people who cannot rationally or justifiably be included on it: Israel and Jews.

Here is the final fact of the matter: There will never be peace in that disastrously troubled region of the world inaccurately identified as the "Mideast" until Hezbollah, Hamas, the Islamic Jihadists, al-Quaeda, and all other organizations bent upon genocide, are wiped off the face of the earth.

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