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What if the Democrats Continue to Fail and America Falls?

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Rob Kall
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What if the Democrats Continue to Fail and America Falls?

The whole world is watching the ineffective, weak, spineless Democratic party lose more and more power, more and more congressional and senatorial seats. They see fascism, corporatism, theocratic insanity becoming more and more established in the US.

They see crooked elections and the fading of even the chimera of true democracy as corporations and partisan secretaries of state run and process the sorry excuse for honest vote counting that is not only allowed but encouraged by the HAVA act.

They see the chaos and failure that incompetent, dishonest military leaders produce when they attack countries without a plan, without a principled idea of what to do with the country, other than create an excuse to spend billion on corporate friends.

Billions of people in countries outside the US watch and worry as the world's most powerful nation plunders itself and its helpless targets, creating laws and pandering to corporations, producing cancer-like wasting symptoms within the country as it eats its "seed" signing on to laws and treaties that suck off jobs and industries, handing them to bottom feeding poverty wage nations.

These nations know that the only possible outcomes will be the fall of the USA economically and probably the explosion or implosion of the USA militarily, as the morally bankrupt and corrupt leaders, to distract the still hypnotized people, put into trance by 9-11, from the devastation they are causing economically, ecologically, diplomatically""devastation that is stealing the future of America.

The people of Europe, Africa, South America, Australia, Canada, and Asia watch as the American Behemoth stumbles, entangled and blinded by tens of millions of Neanderthally stupid evangelical fundamentalist Christians, hundreds of thousands of ultra hawk, Orthodox Jews and a handful of traitorous Islamic extremists. They shake their heads in disgust and revulsion as George Bush puts ar with Iran and Syria on the table, even the possibility of nuclear war. They shake their heads with amazement that such a smart, cosmopolitan country like the US could let ignorant yokels who don't know the difference between science and religion, who would prevent the children of the US from learning about evolution.

It used to be that the rest of the world loved Americans but detested Bush and his administration. But the corporations that support Bush have such a complete job taking over the mainstream media and influencing more and more of the less educated people and more educated men, so now, the world is beginning to dislike Americans too. How long can Americans be so stupid and blind?

As a liberal, progressive American, I find myself sharing much of the rest of the world's contempt for "red" America. And I am also becoming less tolerant of the centrist part of the Democratic party. It is becoming clearer and clearer that these leaders are like the Nazi sympathizers in occupied France, too friendly with the enemy, too willing to sell out the people.

Now is the time that Democrats must stand up for the principles that separate democrats from Republicans. There can be no more disloyalty on votes that take away consumer or worker protections. Now is the time that America is at a crossroads. The mind-numbed evangelical herd has begun to run towards the cliff that spells the end of America's future as an economic and moral leader of the world. If the democratic party does not pull together and get tough and clear on its goals, if it does not severely punish and eliminate traitors and sellouts, the end of the USA is near. It will become a corporate fiefdom, a banana republic run and operated by corporations.

I look at the hundreds of suicide bombers in Iraq and Palestine and mostly see horror, but I also see the courage of people who are willing to die for what they believe is a moral cause. And I wonder where the brave Americans are. Are there Americans who care enough about the USA to really fight for America, to do what it takes to wake up enough of the hypnotized evangelicals so they don't allow the corporate pimps who are pulling the strings behind the Bush administration's criminal actions?

If the vote system is not fixed in the US, then there is no longer democracy. It has been stolen and murdered by enemies of Democracy and America like Florida's Katherine Harris and Ohio's Ken Blackwell, people who should, at the least be locked in jail for life, since we don't yet have death penalties for murderers of democracy.

The only way the USA has a chance of surviving is for the 50 million plus people who we know opposed Bush to cough up serious money, not for candidates, but for media that will fight back and tell the truth, not for parties, but for progressive policy promotion organizations, not sterile, impotent think tanks or special project oriented helping organizations like liberal foundations have so stubbornly and stupidly funded. We need tough, aggressive solidly funded organizations like the Center for American Progress""only better funded and tougher and more aggressive. These organizations need to develop bold, clear visions of a future for America that supports American jobs and industries, that supports withdrawal from treaties like the WTO, NAFTA and CAFTA that serve transnational corporations, and replaces them with smart global trade agreements that respect our laws and industries. These policy promotion organizations must build solid plans to roll back the de-regulation and privatization, the rights of corporate personhood that the right wing has perpetrated, at the behest of big corporations, upon America.

It really won't take that much""a few billion dollars a year""to create the corporations, to develop the leadership to crash the stock of the worst of the corporations, to invest in key corporations so they start functioning as good corporate citizens. A few billion dollars a year""that's $100 for each of the 50 million voters who opposed Bush. A hundred dollars is a lot less than the increased cost of gas and college tuitions that they are paying, the increased state and local taxes, the health insurance costs that have skyrocketed. It's cheap. We'll need strong, visionary leadership for those organizations and I don't mean hacks from the Clinton administration. These leaders will have to emerge and perhaps the internet will help to identify them.

We have to get rid of the DLC and the democratic sell-outs who have repeatedly failed the democratic party. We have to raise billions for new policy promotion organizations and new mainstream media. It is doable. Internationals could even invest in the media side of the solution. Perhaps it will take international aid to save America. Maybe the French and Germans, the true democracies in South America, like Chavez's Venezuela, will come to our rescue, like the French did in the Revolutionary war. America needs help. I haven't answered what happens if America fails. It is a horrible thing to think about, as an American. But there are scores of democracies with newer, smarter democratic laws than the US, with its antiquated, oldest democratic system. There's a chance they will prevail, unless the corporatist poisons that are spewing from the US end up bringing on nuclear war. Then, the smallest nations, the people furthest from the centers of conflict will have the best chance to survive. The next nation that leads the world may be Eskimo or Patagonian. Perhaps we should start learning from those tribal societies now, before it's too late.

other articles on policy promotion organizations, by Rob Kall

How To Take Back the Moral Turf from the Right

  • The Echo Chamber as a Political Weapon by Rob Kall

  • 31 Ways to Take on the Neocon Think Tanks: A Progressive Policy and Position Promotion Think Tank Prospectus by Rob Kall OpEdNews.Com

  • Understanding the Difference Between a Think Tank (TT) and a Right Wing Policy Promotion "Think Tank": Why the left desperately needs to "get it" and create about five of them.

  • Chaunce's Garden; Progressives Must Stop Tilling The Field with Spoons Rob Kall

  • Starting a Progressive Counterpart to the Neocon's Most Powerful Weapon-- the Policy Creation and Advocacy Think Tank; Join the Grassroots Effort to Build One Rob Kall

  • Where are the Real Patriots While Bush Rapes and Trashes America?

  • If Wealthy Liberals and Liberal Foundations Don't Fund Think Tanks to Take on the Right, then We Might as Well Throw in the Towel.

  • Envisioning a Progessive Counterpart to NeoConservative Think Tanks like Project for a New American Century

  • Progressive Bows and Arrows against Neocon Cruise Missiles; Time for Friends of Democracy to Help
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    Rob Kall is an award winning journalist, inventor, software architect, connector and visionary. His work and his writing have been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, CNN, ABC, the HuffingtonPost, Success, Discover and other media.

    Check out his platform at RobKall.com

    He is the author of The Bottom-up Revolution; Mastering the Emerging World of Connectivity

    He's given talks and workshops to Fortune 500 execs and national medical and psychological organizations, and pioneered first-of-their-kind conferences in Positive Psychology, Brain Science and Story. He hosts some of the world's smartest, most interesting and powerful people on his Bottom Up Radio Show, and founded and publishes one of the top Google- ranked progressive news and opinion sites, OpEdNews.com

    more detailed bio:

    Rob Kall has spent his adult life as an awakener and empowerer-- first in the field of biofeedback, inventing products, developing software and a music recording label, MuPsych, within the company he founded in 1978-- Futurehealth, and founding, organizing and running 3 conferences: Winter Brain, on Neurofeedback and consciousness, Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology (a pioneer in the field of Positive Psychology, first presenting workshops on it in 1985) and Storycon Summit Meeting on the Art Science and Application of Story-- each the first of their kind. Then, when he found the process of raising people's consciousness (more...)

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