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George has made fools out of Americans in the eyes of the world.

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There was no way George could pardon him. Remember Bill Clinton and Mark Rich and the whining and moaning the Republican's did when Clinton pardoned him?

Given the pathetic lies and chicanery used by the Republicans we don't know what Ken's status is.

America has lost the respect of so many of the world's countries, Russian, and China included.

A big fat blowhardl, America, who despite miles of useless rhetoric is getting it's ass kicked by a destroyed third world country, in fact two of them, while threatening two more!

If other countries can have recalls of their leaders, I think we ought to give some serious thought to one for George and his Dick.

Otherwise the world is going to be sure the US is the biggest Geek and liar on earth.

If we really care about the world we leave to our kids, it is really long past time to give George the ole heave ho!

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Mr. Bohne is a clockmaker and activist. He HATES the US Government, and without stretching the truth (reality) will do anything to dig up dirt on any of these bastards, as long as it's REAL dirt. "the first man to raise his fists, is the first (more...)
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