This is the sort of nonsense despotic regimes engage in. These cowboys have found no evidence of any terrorist activities, except their own, so in order to keep the people "safe" they now have to resort to desperate measures. Knowing your wife's panty size apparently can tell when the next so called terrorist attack will be.
The most unfortunate aspect of this is that the very cause, we're told, is how different the 'post 911 era' is from the times before that. As if terrorist acts against the US were anything new! The world, especially the third world, doesn't appreciate American Corporate foreign policy. That's the cause in a nutshell. Nothing hard to understand. Then you bury this in some form of nebulous "ism" such as "communism" or in this case, "terrorism" which NO ONE can lay a finger much less a succinct definition, combined with massive public ignorance, and you have Nazi Germany all over again.
Now George Hitler and his mob of liars and every form of the lowest caliber of life who committed a felony by bypassing FISA to listen into phone conversations and such from American citizens to parties overseas. This sick degenerate IS GUILTY OF REAL, SALIENT,HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS!!
At the risk of being redundant, perhaps a trip down memory lane to the events of 911, and the fallacy of the Government explanation might help. I'll make it short.
First, every aspect of a multi-trillion dollar defense establishment FAILED ALL AT ONCE, FROM COAST TO COAST! Second, it is absolutely impossible that an 80 ton jet with some fifty thousand pounds of kerosene, passengers, crew, and cargo, made only a 16 by 18 foot hole in the first tier of the pentagon. The roof didn't cave in for a half an hour. Bush lied about this.
The World Trade Center Towers were commercially destroyed as was Building Seven. They fell into their own foot prints, many police and firefighters described a series of explosions rather than just a collapse from damage. Building debris was flying HORIZONTALLY from the towers driven by explosive forces. The Jet Fuel exploded largely outside the building. The construction of the building made the 911 explanation impossible, a lie.
Building seven was commercially "pulled down" by commercial demolition personnel. This type of exercise takes weeks to prepare. Why was FEMA on the ground the day before the WTC Debacle? At least three of the four "black boxes" from the WTC planes were found. What do they say?
The photos of the impact site of flight 93 show a vertical impact in a Boeing 757 WITH NO ENGINES!! No engine impact site is seen in these phony photos.
Why did Benito Cheney and George Stalin refuse to answer 911 questions under oath and behind closed doors? What does Thomas Kane know now that we don't know? Why did Kane accept a deal that prohibited any more White house Personnel from being questioned by this so called "911 commission?" These are but a few questions that must be answered.
The Bush crime family refuses because they know answers such as these will relieve Bin Laden from the leadership of this debacle and place it squarely where it belongs, on the shoulders of the Bush Crew.
In history, there have several known examples of this activity, with only one that could be plausibly excused. That would be FDR's use of Pearl Harbor to get the US into a war that the President then knew, and history has clearly shown, the US was destined to be involved in, and not hiding with Charles Lindberg behind a wall of "isolationism."
There was the USS Maine, which history shows it was destroyed by lousy construction rather than an attack.
Anybody know about Room Forty? Don't worry, if you don't like this one, there are many others. Then there was Operation "Northwoods" designed to turn the US hatred for Fidel Castro into an excuse to go to war with Cuba. Then there was the PHONY TONKIN GULF ATTACKS ON THE USS MADDOX, AND TURNER JOY.
Fraud, lies and deceit. All of these examples of US lies that led to the death of million of people. None of the criminals that concocted these lies saw a day in jail, or better yet, sunrise on a gallows. So here we are facing yet another fraud, so badly executed that it's been uncovered as it goes, demonstrating yet another all time low in American response to US Government Crime. That would be no action atall, with the exception of the birth of a massive information distribution system to bypass the Corporate Government's horrifically biased "media" system.
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