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What's a Young Person to Do In These Times?

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Kevin Gosztola
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Even education spending, the signature program of this compassionate conservative, lags inflation. All these cuts mock the disingenuously liberal themes of Bush's State of the Union Message last week. The Democrats, meanwhile, have little to offer except to scold the president for running a small deficit - during a recession and a war.


As Kuttner ends the column he writes in retrospect, “I didn't vote for Ralph Nader. I feared his candidacy would just elect Bush, and it may well have. But as Nader points out, the election was Gore's to lose. And future elections will be the Democrats' to lose as long as they run tepid campaigns with stiff, poll-tested candidates captive to the same corporate agenda.”


He adds, “When American democracy revives, with or without the Democrats, it will owe much to America's most valuable and uncorrupted public citizen.”


Nader predicted the financial turmoil we are in now (in much the same way that Ron Paul did). Nader has also laid out a 10-Point Plan for getting out of this mess that stands in stark contrast from Obama’s plan especially since it has something that Obama refuses to offer the public---his plan has something called specifics.


I am advocating a vote for Nader or other third party options based on the conclusions that writers all over the web are coming to. The writers whine about Democrats and Republicans being inadequate and then turn and ask us---the people---to mobilize ourselves and take grassroots action to force them to be adequate.


What a loony idea when candidates like Cynthia McKinney or the better organized Ralph Nader is out there for us to support?


And, even better, why support politicians who will force us to censor our thinking and suggestions for policy change? Neither McKinney nor Nader would shoo us away as we share ideas for a better future.


But what do Obama or McCain do? What does Congress do? At the behest of Paulson and his henchmen serving the gangsters of capitalism, why do we allow ourselves to be sullied by fear?

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Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof Press. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure." He was an editor for OpEdNews.com
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