Supposing this is true---supposing young people like me benefit far more from involvement in the Internet sphere than in the visible public sphere---what is the effect of such a benefit? What is the result of such involvement?
Do we sign petitions and sit back in our video game chairs to resume our Xbox video game?
Do we cut-and-paste a letter to our congressman and then put the iPod headphones in ears and drift off into ignorant bliss?
Do we leave pithy comments on a message board and continue to do so because of instant gratification---because of the knowledge that people are listening and responding to what we have to say?
Do we simply choose to vote and expect our vote to do the walking and when it comes time to act, we go party hardy?
Do we bark at the moon with passionate rage and then seek out proof that we are worthless and cannot do anything and then adopt a cynical attitude, which leads us to stay informed but does not produce political action?
Do we use the Internet to justify getting high and intoxicated on a regular basis instead of using it to our advantage because it is technology that could have tremendous effects on political organizing in America?
Do we have any fortitude or courage, any stamina at all to persevere and fight the good fight or are we simply a lazy generation that will accept the carrots and sticks our politicians feed us for breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day?
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