But there is a more subtle reason we have this wealth disparity. As technology makes it easier to produce products, there ARE more products out there. One farmer can now grow enough food to feed thousands whereas he used to be able to feed only his family. Given a similar increase of productivity through out all industries, all should be good. Everyone's wealth should be going up and the hours of hard labor they have to put in going down. But this is not the case.
What happens is, the bankers under the influence of the 1-Percenters, know that, if the supply of products grew and they did not "grow" the money supply (through printing), the purchasing power of each dollar would INCREASE. We would have "deflation" -- a word the banksters have made "nasty" -- but to the contrary could be defined as:
"Fewer dollars chasing, AND obtaining, MORE and better products, because each dollar is MORE powerful and there are FEWER lousy products on the market because there is LESS malinvestment."
But, what the bankers don't mention is, if the purchasing power of Americans' money increased -- became more powerful -- the banks would have NO "justification" for printing endlessly more money (for themselves). As Murray Rothbard discusses in his must-read book, The Case for a 100 Percent Gold Dollar, the existing money supply would be suitable, no matter what that supply is once established. This would deny the banks, hence the 1-Percenters, their primary method of siphoning off technological productivity of WE THE PEOPLE through what's known as "inflation," a hidden tax on the poor and middle classes.
Thus inflation could be defined as:
"More and more dollars chasing, AND failing to obtain because of increased prices, an ever-dwindling supply of products, often lower and lower in quality because each dollar, being LESS powerful,forces malinvested manufactures to produce and sell more and more lousy products just to stay alive in an economy of endless boom and bust "business cycles" caused by fiat currency.
You can see it in the products which are getting crappier and crappier and less and less. Bags of popcorn and potato chips are never filled to the top. The bags are painted to conceal the shortage. Hot dog buns are now smaller. Candy bars are now smaller. The bottoms of jars are hollowed out into the interior so that it takes less product to make them look "full." Watered down sodas and drinks with excessive amounts of ice. Cars made more and more of plastics, thus more and more dangerous. Less and less gasoline for each Federal Reserve Note. Books, magazines and newspapers no longer on paper. Electronics designed to usually last only a few years. Batteries that only last a year. More and more stuff made of cheap plastics rather than metal. In short, as the purchasing power of the money supply is watered down, diluted, the quality of the product supply is also watered down.
Sure everyone has a $100 million personal computer on their desk right now, but this has ONLY happened because certain technologies are SO powerful even the 1-Percenters can't inflate the money supply enough to drain ALL of the productivity out of them otherwise they would totally collapse their monetary system.
As proof, ask yourself, why have computer prices continuously dropped whereas automobile prices have continuously risen? The computer industry is new, but the auto industry is over a hundred years old. After a hundred years of manufacturing experience, shouldn't the auto manufactures be able to make cars as cheap as personal computers? Answer. The cars WOULD be as cheap as personal computers if the dollar's purchasing price were not destroyed by fiat currency. Today a Porsche would require 5,000 or less Federal Reserve Notes -- the same number of FRNs, or less, it took to buy a Porsche in 1971 -- yet that Porsche would have 2013-technology all over it.
So this is a future none of us lived because of our own stupidity and willingness to allow the scotch-drunk, 1-Perecenter's plan to dominate the world. Deflation is the plan that would have enriched WE THE PEOPLE. Inflation is the plan that enriches THEY THE 1-PERCENTERS -- all made possible by fiat currency.
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