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Nuclear Insanity Ordered from the Top

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Tim Riley
Message Timothy Riley

In his article Staging Nukes for Iran, Larry Johnson reports one of the most telling points I have read so far:

Barksdale Air Force Base is being used as a jumping off point for Middle East operations.

He gets this insight from an "old friend and retired B-52 pilot" Other comments on various web sites report and confirm the same thing.

An anonymous comment on RawStory:

Barksdale AFB is the staging base for the Middle East... Coincidence that they were transfering 6 nukes to there? Coincidence that we will be attacking Iran 'soon'?

Larry Johnson's old friend the retired B-52 pilot makes the assertion:

"...someone on the inside obviously leaked the info that the planes were carrying nukes."

Which prompts Larry's question:

"Did someone at Barksdale try to indirectly warn the American people that the Bush Administration is staging nukes for Iran?"

What is going on?  There are three possibilities as I see it:

A) Whistle-blowers (hoping to remain anonymous) intentionally leaked the secretly ordered movement of nukes because the stark-raving mad lunatics in the Administration are actually making moves to pre-position and use nuclear weapons,

B) Unofficial leaks of a major screw-up (unlikely - as this kind of major screw-up doesn't get disclosed until months later buried in an official report and anybody remotely associated with this kind of phenomenal screw-up would get canned or demoted.  The first reaction for an embarassing situation is coverup, not expose.), or

C) An intentional planned leak to send a message to Iran, to Russia, or to the American people that the Administration and the military is losing command control of nuclear weapons and that we should all be fearful that they might get crazy and have an accident on top of our heads (also less likely as the US has already demonstrated supreme power and irrresponsible use of that power.  This is insulting to our professional men and women of the Armed Services, and we already have carrier groups and nuclear subs that can strike Iran, and the Russians already mutually assure our destruction if we were to do anything horrifically idiotic.)

I believe that Robert Gates (aka Donald Rumsfield's front cover man), Cheney, and Bush are moving to pre-position nuclear resources to attack Iran after they scare the crap out of America with another false flag terror attack.

Many professional, reasonable, and sane military men and women have taken an oath to defend our country against all enemies both foreign and domestic. The good men and women of the Armed forces have taken an oath to defend our country with their lives if necessary.  The Bush Administration has proven themselves as enemies of Constitutional rule of law.  They subvert the law with signing statements and undermine the Bill of Rights with Executive Orders and the Patriot Acts.  They are anti-Democratic having stolen both the 2000 and the 2004 elections.  They keep us in an illegal war, misappropriating billions of dollars.  Traitors attacked America (www.911truth.org) to manufacture consent for never-ending war and I have an awful gnawing suspicion that they are preparing to stage another false flag terror attack on America.  Nuclear war is inherently insane!  Use of Nuclear weapons constitutes a war crime when used in almost all circumstances except when used as a deterrent to attack. I believe that the word is out on the Bush Administration.  They can't get away with sacrificing millions of human lives to perpetuate their frightful death grip on power.  Sane and informed Americans will sacrifice our lives to stop this kind of insanity.

Our call to action:
Upright and righteous Americans must oppose war criminals and psychopathic mass murderers in all ways possible. Do whatever you can to stop these amoral power-hungry lunatics.  Officers and enlisted men and women are putting their lives and careers on the line to alert you.  Do what you can to save the world from the madness of King George.

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* * * * * Tim Riley is a father, husband, technical writer, and internet news hound avidly interested in progressive politics, environmentalism, social justice, and playing with his two children.
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