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Impeach Bush for High Crimes says Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio)

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Tim Riley
Message Timothy Riley

Showing resolute strength of character and tenacious defense of truth, fact, and the Constitutional rule of law, Dennis Kucinich reminds Congress and Americans that facts and truth still matter.

The former presidential candidate introduced the privileged resolution to impeach the President on Thursday before the House of Representatives, adding to the other 35 articles for impeachment of President Bush and to the three articles to impeach Vice President Cheney. Those impeachment resolutions got shuffled and locked into some Judiciary Committee deep freeze by the Democratic leadership, who seem to be either afraid of Bush administration retaliation or complicit in the looting of the treasury.

Unfortunately for the increasingly unpopular congressional leadership, Dennis Kucinich refuses to let the massively inconvenient Bush administration misrepresentations just fade away like yesterday's bad dream or today's infotainment distraction. Mr. Kucinich catalogs and enumerates those lies into coherent actionable articles of impeachment. Every conscious American that I know already clearly sees the President's big fat LIES for what they are. We all know that those Presidential misstatements to Congress will end up costing America TRILLIONS of dollars in national wealth and the senseless spilling of barrels of blood. Those LIES are what put our honorable men and women of the Armed Forces into harm's way, stealing our taxes to line the pockets of cronies, while wreaking mayhem and havoc in the lives of millions of innocent people.

Patriots like Dennis Kucinich show us that even the bully must pay respect to the rule of law or be held accountable for his own words. Mr. Kucinich presented substantive charges that President George W. Bush purposefully misled Congress to send the United States to wage an unjustified war against Iraq. George W. Bush's misrepresentations constitute a high crime for "Deceiving Congress with fabricated threats of Iraq WMDs to fraudulently obtain support for an authorization of the use of military force against Iraq."-

Mr. Kucinich cites many unsupported assertions that Iraq was in possession of WMDs, had the intention to use biological and chemical weapons, and imminently threatened the people of the United States. He then debunks and disproves the falsifications made by Bush to justify the use of military force with authoritative citations of fact.

The concluding remarks of the Honorable Representative from Ohio, Dennis Kucinich:

Since there was no threat posed by Iraq to the United States the enactment clause of the Senate Joint Resolution 45 was predicated on misstatements to Congress.

Congress relied on the information provided to it by the President of the United States. Congress provided the President with the authorization to use military force that he requested.

As a consequence of the fraudulent representations made to Congress, the United States Armed Forces under the direction of George Bush as Commander-in-Chief, pursuant to section 3 of the authorization for the use of force, which President Bush requested, invaded Iraq and occupies it to this day at the cost of 4,116 lives of service men and women, injuries to over 30,000 of our troops, the deaths of over 1,000,000 innocent Iraqi civilians, the destruction of Iraq, and a long term cost of over 3 Trillion dollars.

President Bush's misrepresentations to Congress to induce passage of a use of force resolution is subversive of the Constitutional systems of checks and balances, destructive of Congress's sole prerogative to declare war under Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution and is therefore a high crime.

An even greater offense by the president of the United States occurs in his capacity as Commander in Chief, because he knowingly placed the men and women of the United States Armed Forces in harm's way, jeopardizing their lives and their family's future for reasons to this date which have not been established in fact.

In all of these actions and decisions, President George W Bush has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President and Commander in Chief and subversive of Constitutional government to the prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United states and of those members of the Armed Forces who put their lives on the line pursuant to the falsehoods of the President,


President George W. Bush by such conduct is guilty of an impeachable offense warranting removal from Office.

[Presentation end - Applause from the Gallery]

Our national nightmare, Bush's Iraqi quagmire and terror storm continues to drain away the nation's wealth by millions of dollars a minute, Nancy Pelosi and the congressional leadership now get to decide whether the perpetrators of high crimes, the bullies and liars, get to push us into another war of deception or worse.

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* * * * * Tim Riley is a father, husband, technical writer, and internet news hound avidly interested in progressive politics, environmentalism, social justice, and playing with his two children.
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