Regarding #3.
In Kansas City, Jan Hoyer, Janice Matthews, and some other dedicated volunteers helped stage on of the first mass 9/11 truth events in the world in Kansas City. When we brought 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani, and her attorney former Deputy Atty General of Pennsylvania, Phil Berg to Kansas City to talk about their RICO Racketeering Suit vs. Bush and many members of his administration for the attacks of 9/11/2001. We got them speaking engagements at four major area churches, the last appearance bringing in almost 1,000 people, and we got them interviews with the Kansas City Star, all local network affiliates, etc. Just to show you how much attention this garnered, at the first church event the Kansas City Police showed up saying they’d been monitoring our website and were disturbed by the high activity, and felt they should shadow us all day. They did. We had police escorts throughout the entire day.
From those events we raised some money for Ellen and had some left to create what would become the iconoclastic symbols of the 9/11 truth movement, the now famous “Stop the 9/11 Cover Up” signs. See:
Jan Hoyer of digital style designs designed the signs on the same computer I’m typing this oped on. We then pitched Janice Matthews on using our 9/11 event funds after sending a check to Ellen, on buying several thousand signs to send to the mass anti-war protests mainly in San Francisco and New York. We organized with New York and San Francisco 9/11 truth activists to have them sent to, and then distributed at the front of the protests, so that media would see them. It was a massive success, and New York Newsday and the Los Angeles Times had front page large photos of the events with captions reading, “Tens of thousands march to stop the war and stop the 9/11 cover up.” At that time Ted Koppel’s Nightline was a hugely watched show, and that night a network cameraman who’d filmed our signs, centering on it, until it filled the entire TV screen, aired on Nightline. The entire nation saw, many for the first time, “Stop the 9/11 Cover Up,” in living rooms across America.
You’d think that after that, we’d have been given a lot of credit in 9/11 truth circles, and don’t get me wrong, we did get a lot of pats on the back. HOWEVER, the attacks on our work became relentless. Rumors were spread that we were funded by liberal icon George Soros meant to cover up the fact that 9/11 was an inside job. We knew 9/11 was an inside job, but we also knew that at that point in those early days we’d reach more people by calling their attention to Bush’s obvious 9/11 cover up, because he was blocking the 9/11 investigations. The 9/11 family members, except for a few, were staying at arms length from the 9/11 truth movement because they wanted an investigation but couldn’t stretch beyond what they could prove, or the media would tear them apart. We needed the families to join our struggle, because they were the only ones the media would talk to.
We were called FBI agents, etc. etc. by so called “9/11 truth activists” trying to get other activists to be suspicious of us and not work with us in the future.
Regarding #4.
A day or so after this success with the national distribution of the “Stop the 9/11 Cover Up” signs, and the mass media coverage, a coalition of 9/11 truth powerhouse organizers from all across the country met one another for the first time at the first national 9/11 truth event organized by Carol Brouilett in San Francisco. After that event this group got together in San Francisco to form a national and international movement for 9/11 truth. This would soon be dubbed
Today if you google 9/11, you get 166 MILLION related websites. is #3. has been seen worldwide, even one of South Park’s characters wore a t-shirt in an episode. has permeated the mass mind of the world and moved a mountain of valuable information.
So, by now I’m sure you realize it goes without saying that instantly upon its formation, was attacked mercilessly by so called “9/11 truth activists.” They attacked 911Truth because we wouldn’t deny the holocaust, or because we wanted to only use facts that were provable, rather than baseless accusations. We wanted an organization of credibility, that was an unimpeachable source of 9/11 information. Makes sense right? Yeah, if you really were a 9/11 truth activist who really wanted to get truth out to the mainstream public, it was great. However, if you were only pretending to be a 9/11 truth activist and part of some COINTELPRO operation meant to discredit the movement . . . well then you became hysterical every time attempted to organize anything of significance, lashing out at anyone connected with them, and urging the 9/11 community NOT to cooperate with
Today, remains the most respected 9/11 truth organization, who have aided countless other respected 9/11 truth organizations form worldwide.
Regarding #5.
Before the Republican Convention in New York City in 2004, we became aware of Sibel Edmonds, the former FBI whistleblower, who’d been gagged by John Ashcroft. She was unable to tell anything that she knew. However, she was able to say that if she could tell what she knew, some people at the top of our government would likely be in prison.
So we worked to get Sibel Edmonds to a podium at the mass anti-war rallies in New York City for the GOP Convention. We arranged to bring her in and speak at the National Organization for Women’s rally in Central Park, and also at a 9/11 truth gathering in Manhattan. By now you get the patterns . . . the attacks become shrill and furious. You can imagine, by now what an event like this would cause in terms of some squirming gyrations by those who want no truth to get out.
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