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Rebuttal to Dill's support of the HR 811 Trojan Horse

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Message Nancy T
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The cost of these two items alone is too much to bear for the promised Trojan horse of a paper trail.

The cost of shifting vote counting control to the White House is incalculable, but suffice to say that centralized control of the vote is what kept Stalin and Sadaam in power, and certainly was the trigger for our own American Revolution and Declaration of Independence.

Additionally, the fiscal recklessness and irresponsibility of this bill is staggering.

Let’s just look at its mandate for an entirely new text conversion technology for every polling jurisdiction in the nation. This cost could easily arrive at the multibillions.

And this is not even addressing the bill’s requirement for two entirely new state functions, those being state audit and certification offices. For states not currently structured with these functions, this is another continuous multimillion dollar unfunded mandate for staffing and operational costs of two new state functions.

The truth is this: we are by no means facing Dill's "choice between HR 811 or continuation of our current "Kafka-esque" paperless system ."

We are facing a pivotal moment in our history, where we can choose to throw away the American dream or embrace it.

We can choose honest debate or power positioning propaganda.

We can choose to call this bill for what it is: a Trojan Horse containing gifts for all kinds of private interests with hidden agendas, or we can continue to falsely market it as a “paper trail” bill.

We can choose to focus on defining and fulfilling THE single hard benchmark appropriate for any electoral reform:


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