MORGAN bankers invested monies for the U.S. and Great Britain, financed the Steel industry, etc.
1921 - The COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS formed with U.S. and Great Britain's members.
A meeting was held at the "HAROLD PRATT HOUSE at 58 East 68th Street in New York, the former mansion of the PRATT family, close friends of the Rockefellers. Soon afterwards, the day-to-day administration was taken over by Colonel House and his associates, including the Rockefellers and, particularly, J>P> MORGAN. The CFR's founding president was John W. Davis, J>P> MORGAN's personal attorney; the founding vice-president was Paul Gravath, from a law firm representing MORGAN; and the council's first chairman was the MORGAN partner, Russell Leffingwell".The Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs are the same organisation, working on different sides of the Atlantic to carry out the same goals and agenda. Their members are in leading positions in government, including the Presidency, banking, business, education, military and the media."
1942 - THE UNITED NATIONS was formed. Fifty nations pledged themselves "to employ full resources gainst the Axis powers, not to make a separate peace, etc." in Washington. They signed a charter, which was written at the United Nations Conference on International Organization.
1944 - Representatives of the U.S., Great Britain, Russia and China met, planned, proposed and formulated to "deal with world peace and security" through a general international organization.
1945 A conference "United Nations Conference on International Organization was held from April 25 to June 26, 1945 in San Francisco. The charter was based on the proposals of Dumbarton Oaks Conference, a mansion in Washington, D.C.
The U.S. became INTERdependent with the UNITED NATIONS. The U.S. continues to be an arm of the Vatican "CRUSADER" validating Christian International Laws which plunders upon "barbarous/barbaric" countries.
1963 President John F. Kennedy was assasinated. He was in Hawaii meeting with the Mayors of the states. He informed everyone that the President would no longer appoint Mayors and the people would vote.
It was 46 years since the death of Queen Liliuokalani. It is interesting to note that the F.B.I./Federal Bureau of Investigations does a history check of only 45 years. A KENNEDY had notified Queen Liliuokalani that he would represent her.
It appears the Kennedy's knew about the UNRESOLVED issues in Hawaii having to do with the bankers, American businessmen, and Civil Rights issues because Hawaii's Queen was called "N*I*G*G*E*R*" along with others of color such as Martin Luther King, Jr.
President Kennedy was assasinated in Texas. Interestingly, Texas is the location where the sugar plantation owners in Hawaii moved to assume and occupy large tracts of land belonging to the Mexicans and backed by the U.S. government.
(President's brother Robert Kennedy was also assasinated. Martin Luther King, Jr. a Civil Rights Leader was assasinated as well.)
1980's Israel was looked as a "strategic asset" by both Israel and the U.S. "Israel's primary role was to lie low while Washington forged its anti-Iraqi ties with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and even Syria. The president and his secretary of state, eager to deny Saddam Hussein's call for linking a solution to the gulf crisis to that of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, seemed intent on keeping Israel at an arm's length.
1981 June 7. Israel bombed Iraq's reactor site and stopped construction.
1990 March " U.S. and British customs officials seized a shipment of capacitors en route to Iraq. Capacitors are used as triggers for nuclear bombs."
March 10. "Iraqi revolutionary court convicts Farzad Bazoft, Iraniana-born British free-lance correspondent, of espionage after he visits site of military complex explosion; Bazoft is sentenced to death; British nurse who drove Bazoft to site is sentenced to 15 years in prison. Iraq ignores international pleas for clemency and hangs Bazoft on March 15. Britain recalls its ambassador from Baghdad."
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