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OpEdNews Op Eds    H4'ed 4/29/10


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Amelia Gora
April 2. "Iraqi President Saddam Hussein announces that Iraq posseses advanced chemical weapons and threatens to destroy half of Israel if it launches preemptive strike against Iraqi weapons facilities."

July 3. "Iranian and Iraqi foreign ministers meet in Geneva for first direct talks since August 1988 conclusion of Iran-Iraq War; no progress is announced, but leaders of both Iraq and Iran express optimism about permanent peace settlement in separate speeches delivered 7/17."

July 17. "Iraqi President Saddam Hussein delivers speech accusing Arab Persian Gulf nations of "plot" to hold down oil prices. Hussein sends letter to Arab League 7/18 charging Kuwait with stealing oil from disputed Rumaila oilfield straddling Kuwaiti-Iraqi border; Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz demands Iraq's $30 billion debt to Arab gulf neighbors be written off. Aziz travels to Cairo for talks with President Mubarak 7/22; they are joined by Jordan's King Hussein 7/23. Mubarak 7/24 visits Kuwait, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, 7/25 announces Iraqi and Kuwaiti agreement to hold talks in Jidda, Saudi Arabia. At 7/25 meeting with U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie in Baghdad, Saddam threatens Kuwait and U.S. Iraq masses estimated 100,000 troops along Kuwaiti border; Jidda talks break down 8/01 after single 2-hour session."

Aug. 2. "Iraqi army invades and conquers Kuwait; Sheik Jabir flees to Saudi Arabia. U.S. President Bush 8/2 calls invasion "naked aggression," issues executive orders halting trade with Iraq and freezing Iraqi and Kuwaiti assets in U.S.; initially says U.S. military intervention is not under considration, but after meeting with British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher 8/32 in Aspen, Colorado, refuses to rule out "any options". USSR 8/2 suspends deliveries of military supplies to Iraq, calls for withdrawal from Kuwait. UN Security Council 8/2 votes unaminously to condemn invasion and demand Iraqi withdrawal. France and Britain freeze Iraqi and Kuwaiti assets in their countries. Secretary of State. Baker and Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze 8/3 issue joint statement condemning invasion. President Bush 8/3 says "integrity of Saudi Arabia" is "vital interest" for U.S. Fourteen of 21 members of Arab League, meeting in Cairo, 8/3 pass resolution condemning "Iraqi aggression". EC imposes trade sanctions on Iraq 8/4. Japan bans imports of Iraqi and Kuwaiti oil 8/5.

Aug. 6. "UN Security Council votes 13-0, with Yemen and Cuba abstaining, to impose mandatory economic sanctions on Iraq." U.S. Defense Secretary Richard B. Cheney visits Saudi Arabia for talks with King Fahd 8/6; Fahd requests protection of Saudi Arabia by U.S. troops and aircraft; deployment of U.S. troops to Saudi Arabia ("Operation Desert Shield") is ordered by Bush 8/6; 2,300 U.S. paratroopers"etc."

Iraq was a country of 18 million people.

"The Soviet Union provided the Iraqis with the biggest share of military equipment. The Iraqi Army was organized on the Soiet model and equipped by the U.S.S.R. The T-72 main battle tank, which was the heart of the Iraqi forces, was the Soviet Union's second-best tank. The Irai Air Force flew a number of Soviet MiG-29 fighter planes. The Iraqi Scud missiles that were fired at Israel and Saudi Arabia were an eary Soviet type officially called SS-1, "surface-to-surface missile-1." The name Scud was the NATO code name for this Soviet missile."

"The French were the second most important supplier. The best fighter plane in the Iraqi Air Force was the French-made Mirage F-1. Many of these were flown to Iran during the war and were impounded. These planes were armed with Exocet missiles, capable of inflicting serious wounds on warships. Exocets could also be launched from the patrol boats of the Iraqi Navy."

"A number of other countries provide parts of the arsenal. China had sold Iraq tanks, armored personnel carriers, and a missile called Silkworm. A German company provided the expertise to build a chemical weapons plant. There were even reports that the Iraqi had American-made Stinger missiles passed on to them by sources in Afghanistan."

"None of these weapons is cheap, so Iraq needed financial assistance to purchase them. They got it from a variety of sources. The U.S. guaranteed about $400 million in loans for food. This freed up money to buy arms. Saudi Arabia provided financial assistance while Iraq fought Iran. During the same period, Kuwait loaned the Iraqis over $6 billion."

1991 Iraq was defeated after a 100 hour war, even though Saddam Hussein promised "the mother of all battles".

2001 - September 11. Rockefeller owned Twin Towers collapsed after aircraft armed by U.S. CIA trained Alcaida personnel and innocents/expendables slam into the former Standard Oil Company now EXXON Oil Companies buildings.

Osama Bin Ladin, Saddam Hussein, and others became the target called Terrorists by Oil Investor President George W. Bush, also a Mason/Freemason perpetuating the goals of his father former President George Bush coaching him into continued Wars against the Middle East for access, piracy(ies) of OIL disregarding People of Color, and viewing them as "Useless, Needless Eaters", "Terrorists", etc.

Calls for a review was recently made by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday in Tehran "who said last month that the terrorist attacks in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, were "a big fabrication," wrote to the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, on Tuesday to ask him to open an investigation into the events of that day." click here=1&sq=911%20&st=cse

2003 Iraq was inspected for Weapons of Mass destruction. Missiles and others were destroyed at the time of the United Nations Inspectors.


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Am a descendant of Kamehameha,Kalaniopuu, Kaumualii, John Young, Isaac Davis,Princess Poomaikelani, etals.heir of Queen Liliuokalani, et. als. from Hawaii. Am a 40 year history, 29 year genealogy, 15+ years legal researcher in Hawaii. Have (more...)

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