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7 Myths That Large Corporations Want us to Believe

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The influence of major corporations is everywhere. If you go to a sporting event, the sponsors are major corporations. If you go to the grocery, the vast majority of items available to you comes from plants owned by major corporations. Even our media is corporate owned. The result is that these large corporations can pass along whatever myths and half-truths they want. In fact, here are 7 myths that are particularly disturbing.

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1. "Lite" And Low-Fat Foods Are Good For us

Go into your local grocery store and in nearly every aisle, you will see products labeled as low fat or lite. The intention is to get us to buy these products by continually sending the message that they are somehow healthier than other items on the shelf. In truth, most of these items are full of sugars, artificial flavorings, and other unhealthy ingredients that are intended to replace the flavor that is lost.

2. GMOs Are Harmless And Don't Require Labeling

In recent years, corporations have worked very hard to squash any legislation that would require that they label foods with GMO ingredients. They insist that the processes they use to genetically modify food is comparable to the same methods used by farmers in previous centuries to improve their crops by replanting seeds from the most successful crops. This comparison is absolutely ridiculous. The ancient process of seed saving is not at all comparable to genetically modifying plants so that they are easier to grow. The continued prevarication on this subject makes it hard to believe that GMOs are harmless.

3. Consumption Leads to Happiness

This may be the biggest lie of all. Large corporations want us to believe that we have to have all of these things that they manufacture in order to be happy. Even worse, they take this message and they target it at children who are unable to discern between want or need, and who do not have the life experience to understand the true motives behind advertising and product placement. The result of this myth is that people work themselves into a state of misery trying to buy all of the things they have been tricked into believing they need.

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4. If Left Alone by The Government They Will Regulate Themselves

Corporate leaders would like us to believe that if they were simply left alone they would be wonderful environmental stewards, provide safe workplaces for their employees, and provide consumers with only the best foods, services, and products. They claim that regulation simply makes it more difficult to do business and stay competitive on a global scale. However, history has shown time and time again that lack of corporate regulation leads to disaster. The Wall Street crash of 2008 is just one example of what big business can do.

5. They Are The True Job Creators and Sources of Prosperity

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Jonathan Emmen à ‚¬" is a passionate blogger from Copenhagen and regular contributor for different educational and entertainment blogs. His articles relate to the marketing sphere and development of writing skills.
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