The Mormon church has a lot of goddamn nerve. California's Prop. 8 isn’t a matter of moral or traditional values.
It’s a matter of equal rights and equal protection under the law!
It’s discrimination of the worst kind against one small segment of the citizenry.
What’s with them? Is it some kind of weird payback for banning polygamy, which many Mormons in this country still practice illegally?
Preaching from the pulpit against gay marriage and reading a letter to their congregations to donate to their “yes” on Prop. 8 campaign funds, violates all standards of separation of church and state.
A Mormon woman who voted ’yes’ on the ballot measure called in to McIntyre in the Morning on KABC radio, and said that is exactly what they did.
The Mormon church’s tax exempt status should be removed retroactively and immediately!
I don’t know exactly how to do it, but I’m sure there are many of you in OEN’s family of writers and legal experts who do know.
Your input will be greatly appreciated.
Mixing church and state must end and an example made of the Mormon church.