The NYC Central Labor Council (NYC/CLC)- AFL/CIO will organize a massive march from Herald Square down Broadway to Union Square on December 1, 2011.
No press announcement has been made, but posters for the event are already available on their website: . Tweeter: #Dec1
This event is expected to be a pure show of force. Three things will be of utmost importance for the success of this march: numbers, numbers and numbers.
The NYC/CLC is requesting that all available members of the labor movement, community groups, students, retirees, working families and everyone else who supports the fight for economic fairness join them.
Marchers should assemble on Thursday, December 1, 2011 for the 4 o'clock event at Herald Square, 32nd Street at Broadway, NYC.
Please save this date. If you are in the NYC region organize your group or community to make this event as large as possible.
Those in surrounding cities serviced by bus or train, please make plans now. If your city is served by Megabus or Bolt Bus, purchase inexpensive seats as soon as possible.
Don't forget your banners, signs, American flags, international flags, etc. How about a marching band or two or twenty? Let's make this event bigger than the 32,650 estimated by the NYPD at #N17.
For more information please call the New York City Central Labor Council at (212) 604-9552.