The day is Tuesday 8/20/2008. The time is 14:48 CST. I am sitting in my office that is in the Midwest and I am reading the news wires over and over and over again. Georgia. Russia. These news wires all say the same thing. All except for one, Reuters! To me, this is one of the only news wires that can be somewhat trusted. I stress somewhat!
I mean if you have a brain and by now have realized how to use it, you DO NOT watch the mainstream media broadcasting on the big black box that sits in your living room. If you have been able to get past the flicker effect and the boobs that are placed on there to distract you, you will be able to see that it is all very well placed propaganda.
For many years now, the MSM (mainstream media) has been owned by those who are involved in the MIC (military industrial complex). This is all part of their arsenal to control and crush dissenters and dissenting societies alike. They use the vehicle of the MSM to manipulate and persuade you into believing that what they tell you is the truth the whole truth and the only truth.
A perfect example is the recent conflict in Georgia. The conflict that by all the initial reports was started by the Georgian forces! According to reports, the Georgian forces on the night of August 7, 2008, launched an attack on Russian peace keepers. Killing ten and wounding 20. This brazen attack on the night before the opening of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing prompted Russia to respond with military force of their own. Immediately following the attack, the spin room for the MSM went into propaganda mode stating that Russia attacked Georgia, a completely false story.
The reason this happened is simple, the MSM, run by the MIC - the same MIC that supplied arms and training to the Georgian forces - wanted the Americans and all others to believe that it would be okay if we got into a war with Russia as they are terrible killers that attacked a small defenseless country without provocation.
The truth is that the Neocon and Israeli backed Georgian government (under Neocon control) had planned this attack for some time. There have been reports that peace keepers had been pulled from the Ossetian border region by Georgian forces in advance of the attack by the Georgian forces.
Prior knowledge indeed! There is also the date and time in which the whole ordeal takes place. August 8th is the beginning of the Olympics. The conflict started the night before. Many speculate that this was done for numerous reasons. Vladimir Putin was attending the ceremonies in Beijing. With him in Beijing, maybe the Georgian forces could catch Russia by surprise? No such luck!
For some reason, the Neocon backed Georgian forces forgot that Putin is not the president but the prime minister. The president, Medvedev is very well informed by his puppet master Putin. He did exactly what he was supposed to do, defend his people!
Another speculation is the pending disaster in the Persian Gulf region and the potential for an attack on Iran by the (you guessed it) Neocons and the Israelis. It is believed that the "forces to be" can attack Iran and if the Russians (whom have multiple stakes in Iran) are tied up with the puppet country Georgia, they will be to busy to intervene.
Wrong again. First of all, Russia was in no way shape or form going to let the puppet country (Georgia) take too much of their time with this small conflict.Russia made the Georgian army pay the ultimate price of combat, death and defeat, very quickly.
So now what? Georgia and Russia have signed a peace treaty drafted by the illegal EU president Sarkozy and the Neocon Condosleezza Rice. The US has the largest armada building up in the Persian Gulf since the first gulf war as well as sending ships into the Black sea ports along with Canadian and Polish warships!
What does this all mean? Let me tell you what this means (in my own opinion). It means that the Ameri-conned public is Dumb! Not by their own choice but by the food, the water, the TV, the MIC, and the MSM. What have we become but a nation of slaves? A nation of waste consuming sheep! A pathetic nation of Apathetic cowards who are afraid to stand up and say (if I may use a quote from Network), I'M MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!
I have to admit that I have not done all that I can. I could lead a revolution had I the soldiers. I could fire the first shot or take the first bullet if the Ameri-conned public were brave enough to stand alongside me.
The issue here is that most real patriots today were born at the wrong time - a time where people feel trapped or are just blinded by the truth that has smacked them in the face. This country is headed for a major wake up call!
Should we as Americans dare stand up against the forces that are trying to push us down? We will all be very surprised to see that the only reason they have done what they have done is because,