There are a lot of things Jesus wouldn’t do because he’s the son of God. I can’t imagine Jesus being a Marine or a policeman or a bank president, for that matter. The more appropriate question is, ‘What is a follower of Jesus permitted to do?’An Open Letter to Jesus
I think if we believe the person we have can give us information to stop thousands of Americans from being killed, it would be morally suspect to not use harsh tactics to get that information.
Source The Library Grape
Dear Jesus,
A lot of your followers are into torture.
They say, Jesus, that you wouldn't want to do it. But they say it is good for your followers to torture because it saves lives.
But I am a little unclear on this, dear Jesus.
Since you are the Savior and want to Save lives then why wouldn't you grab gallons of water and torture suspected terrorists. If you can really save thousands of lives by a lot of water, beatings, and sleep deprivation then, Jesus, you should be all for it. To put it in the words of your righteous follower Gary Bauer, it would be morally suspect for you "to not use harsh tactics to get that information."
Jesus, another thing that doesn't make much sense about your holy subject's words is that if being a Marine or a Policeman saves lives then why wouldn't you want to do it. Wouldn't it be immoral for you not to grab a gun and get busy in saving the lives of Americans.
So dear Jesus, I want a Savior that really gets down and dirty trying to save others. I don't want some Savior that will have others do his dirty work. I want a God that will grab that gun or those gallons of water and get busy saving lives.
I really don't like it when the Christian right tries to you into "a morally suspect" God. I want a God that is not troubled by conscience or ashamed to torture. I want a God that will torture with the best of the torturers because, after all, we are saving thousands of lives.
I want a God that is ruthless in the "War on Terror" and knows haw to smite the enemies of America.
So Jesus, don't let your followers make you into a lesser God. Show them that you are a God of action and torture to save lives. Let us know that those words on "Love" and "turning the other cheek" should only be applied to your brothers and sisters and not to your enemies. Well maybe you included enemies in the good book, but nobody follows by that book anyway and least of all your followers.
Jesus, I pray that you will get the message out to all Christians everywhere that they shouldn't be troubled by torture and that if you were around you would be doing it too. Also let them know that you would also be a marine or a policeman.
Your servant Mr. Bauer is probably right that you could not bring yourself to be a banker. I guess you are into saving lives and not saving money. Or at least that is what your followers keep telling us because they always say you need more money. Maybe you should start saving money too because you never seem to have enough of it and are always asking for more. Maybe being a banker would help you out with your cash problems because you could get the US government to give you trillions, like they do your humble servants the bankers.