Angry Grandpa is really pissed now. With eight days to go to the election, he's going to tell us spoiled children how it is, or else!
This morning while giving a speech on his economic policy, Senator McCain is yelling at potential voters and essentially telling them that they will be idiots for not voting for him and his plan. "My plan will work, his won't!", he sneered. "I will fix the stock market, I will create jobs, I will keep people in their homes, HE WON'T!"
On a couple of occasions, he even spiked the microphones! Please grandpa, calm down, it's ok.
"I'll reform the markets in Wall Street", "We will have strict rules on Wall Street and if they are broken, executives will be punished!". Whoa! Grandpa you're scaring me! I'll be good, I promise!
"You can't fix the economy unless we fix the mortgage crisis first." "I will bring new talent to the White House," Mitt Romney, Meg Whitman "Financial outsiders",--you know shake up Worshington...
My, my, my your are on a roll grandpa! You go on to scare us with your "dangerous threesome" comment, (and hideous visual I might add. Next time, you should lose the smirk after you say "threesome").
That's why I really hate to tell you what your insolent granddaughter has been sayin' behind your back!
Now, travel with me across the States, where we had Sistah Sarah spewin' her soulful slogan's of "Sandi the sheep hearder", and "Sam the septic cleaner." Inciting her audience into making these salacious slogan's which include: "Barack the wealth spreader," and my personal favorite: "Use your brain, vote McCain!"
Why, Sarah WHY? Grandpa was doin' fine!! He had the right tone of condescention and contempt. It almost worked until you had to open your mouth!
This is going to make grandpa even angrier Sarah! He's not going to like it so much that you have become "Palin the Country Divider." He's going to yell at you for allowing and encouraging your crowds to say "Use your Brain, vote McCain," implying that should anyone not vote for you and McCain are stupid! That's one way of earnin' their vote!
There he was making a major finanical press conference, and there you were mocking half of America! You see, Sista Sarah, angry grandpa is allowed to IMPLY that we are stupid, not come right out and SAY we are like you and your supporters!
Just wait till you get home! It's curses for you, missy!